Suspect faces charges in home burglary
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A man wanted by Wesson police in connection with a residentialburglary of thousands of dollars in guns, coins and computersturned himself in to officials early Monday morning, Chief ChadO’Quinn said.
O’Quinn said Joe Turner, 31, called around 8:15 a.m. Monday totell him he was on his way to the police station to turn himselfin. He later was charged with residential burglary.
The burglary occurred on Factory Street on the night of June 29,police said, in the home of an elderly resident who was on vacationat the time.
Working with the Copiah County Sheriff’s Office, the MississippiDepartment of Corrections, and the Department of Alcoholic BeverageControl, officers were able to recover approximately 90 percent ofthe stolen goods within 24 hours, O’Quinn said. There may beadditional arrests in the investigation as well.
“This investigation is not complete,” he said. “It is stillpending, and we are still looking into leads at this time.”
While the remaining items taken in the burglary were notrecovered, O’Quinn said the suspect is still being questioned intheir whereabouts and is cooperating with the investigation.
Officials said Turner has an extensive criminal history and hasan aggravated assault charge pending in Copiah County as well.