Co-Lin sees small decline in enrollment
Published 7:19 pm Friday, February 3, 2012
For a second semester, Copiah-LincolnCommunity College has seen enrollment declining or leveling off, adrop school administrators say is consistent with state trends.
The Co-Lin board of trustees was presented Thursday afternoon withunaudited enrollment numbers for 2012 indicating 2,030 students atthe Wesson campus. That is a drop of 19 students from the audited2011 numbers of 2,049.
Administrators warned the board that audited enrollment numbers ofspring 2012 would probably drive the totals further downward alittle.
This comes after administrators warned the board in September thataudited enrollment would show a decrease in Co-Lin’s fall studentbody.
Comparing spring to spring semesters, the Natchez campus sawenrollment drop by 49, according to unaudited numbers, from 830 to781. The Simpson campus, however, saw enrollment move up by 64students, from 550 to 614.
Administrators said the school’s enrollment matches what othercommunity colleges are seeing.
“We were expecting the numbers to go down,” said Dr. Jane Hulon,vice president of instructional services. “It’s consistent withwhat we’re hearing from community colleges throughout the state.They’re all seeing decreases this spring.”
Hulon said the economy has probably played a significant role inthe decreases.
In other matter matters, the board approved a proposal to hire anarchitect to draw up plans for the replacement of plumbing in theWesson campus cafeteria in the Henley Building.
Co-Lin President Dr. Ronnie Nettles told the board drainage hasbeen a consistent problem with that building and there seems to beno way to repair what exists. Crews have sent cameras down into thepipes and cannot determine what is wrong.
“The building is old and we’re going to have to dig up the floorand replace what’s there,” Nettles said.
Repairs would take place during the summer. Nettles said with suchextensive work being done in the building, some other repairs couldbe made to the interior at the same time. The architect, CarlNobles, has estimated the project will cost from $250,000 to$300,000.
“We will likely be dipping into some reserve funds,” Nettles toldthe board.
The cafeteria building is 32 years old and Nettles attributed theplumbing problems to age and the years of debris that have been putdown the drains.
Once plans are completed, the board can accept bids and select acontractor.