Union Church
Published 7:20 pm Monday, March 22, 2010
Congratulations, beauties from Union Church area. In BrookhavenAcademy’s recent beauty pageant, Kassidy Cupit, Anna Grice and AnnaColdiron were first-place winners in their categories. We are proudof our beauties.
March birthdays include Shelly Peden, Ed Osborne, Baylin Osborne,Andrea Cotten, Jessica Whitehead, Kristen Newell, Callie Carter,Cpl. Logan Carr, Rebekah Pritchard, Narciss Cupit and Colleen Carr.Anniversaries celebrated were Jo Alice and Cliff Rushing, Mark andDebbie Stietenroth and Colby and Kathleen Calcote.Congratulations.
Our young people have named their group “Souled Out.” They are anactive, enthusiastic group led by our youth minister, Keith Pedenand wife, Melissa. Pray for them as they anticipate going to camp,Vacation Bible School and many more activities this summer. Bro.Keith and daughter, Shelly are in Mexico at this writing on amission trip with First Baptist. Remember to pray for them.
My heart was sad to hear about the death of Maxine Buie thismorning. Please pray for the Wilton Buie family as they go throughthis valley and especially Wilton Buie who is very ill.
Keep our Annie Armstrong Offering on your prayer list, too. Ourgoal is $1900 and we will have an ingathering the last Sunday ofMarch.
On Sunday, April 8, we will be at the Presbyterian Church for ourCommunity Easter Service at 11 a.m. On Saturday, April 7, thechildren will, as usual, have an Easter egg hunt and the youngpeople will have a baseball game. Come join the fun.
On Thursday, April 8, a Senior Adult Celebration Rally will takeplace at Port Gibson Baptist Church. The time is 9:30 until 11:15a.m. Interesting speakers and the Golden Age Choir from CrystalSprings will inspire and bless us. Call me for specifics.
I know many readers from this area may have not heard the resultsof the Senate Special Election for the 36th District. Albert Butlerwon the county vote by 82.81 percent; Jimmy Strong had 17.01percent. Union Church, District One voted 51.25 percent for JimmyStrong and 48.75 percent for Albert Butler. We will be praying forMr. Butler as he represents us in the Mississippi Senate.
“Victory Through God’s Presence,” Exodus 14:5-17, was our pastor’stext last week. His topics include: Let God take us througheverything; do not fear, do not forget what God has done in thepast, consider who the Lord God is, and know that victory is comingwith God’s power as we let Him lead.
“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’sconscience.” – Harper Lee
If you have any Union Church area news to report, contact ErleneHudson at 601-786-3079 or e-mail ehudsonb@aol.com.