Shelters’ efforts much appreciated

Published 5:00 am Monday, September 26, 2005

Dear Editor,

At Macedonia Baptist Church, we were blessed to have a shelterduring the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Macedonia did not operate this shelter alone. People from acrossthe community helped with donations of food, water, paper supplies,clothing, personal items, diapers, baby formula, medical suppliesand countless hours of labor. We received financial donations fromaround the community and across the nation, and we thank thesepeople for blessing us as God has blessed them. Churches of alldenominations from across Lincoln County helped by providing meals.Youth groups provided furniture for our media area and labor tohelp keep the common areas clean.

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Our Red Cross workers were beyond compare. They were there fromthe beginning and took care of the paperwork, room assignments andwere a wonderful source of information for the rest of us. Thefellowship between the Red Cross workers, members of the community,church members and our guests from southern Mississippi andLouisiana made memories we will never forget.

We would like to say a special thank you to Central BaptistChurch. When Macedonia had electricity restored, the area aroundCentral was still without power and Central asked to move theirshelter to Macedonia. God has certainly blessed us during this timeand we want to give Him the glory. During times of crisis, it isgood to know that so many people care and want to help those inneed.

We would like to thank everyone who allowed God to use youduring this time.

Carolyn Smith

and Nancy Vaughn