Michael A. Barranco
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, February 27, 2011
Michael Anthony Barranco, 48, of Jackson, died Tuesday Feb. 22,2011, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident inTunica.
Michael Barranco was first and foremost a man of God. Michael’sfaith in Jesus Christ was the cornerstone of his character, hismarriage, his family and his work. He was a man who lived a lifethat may have seemed brief but it was by no means “unfinished.” Hesqueezed every moment of life out of every day. He never wasted anyof his life. And he lived without regrets.
In Jackson and beyond, Michael will be remembered for many andvaried passions and involvements. He was a 1980 graduate of St.Joseph Catholic High School, where many of his best-loved memorieswere on the football field.
He was a man committed to Scouting from his earliest days as a boywith his father, John S. Barranco, of Jackson. Michael achieved hisEagle Scout Award and was a member of the Order of the Arrow andwas currently serving on the advisory Board of the Andrew JacksonCouncil of the Boy Scouts of America. In recent years Michaelcontinued his love for scouting by founding the Boy Scout troop atRedeemer Church in North Jackson, where he and his family alsoworshipped.
Michael was perhaps most remembered in Mississippi for his skillsas an artist, which manifested themselves in his work as anarchitect and as a musician. Michael graduated from MississippiState University in 1985 with a BA in Architecture and has been oneof the most influential architects in the state of Mississippi inrecent years. He was the past president of the Mississippi chapterof the American Institute of Architects and was currently servingas the president of the Mississippi State Board of Architecture.Michael was the formulator of the idea of a Mississippi Charrette,which with the help of many colleagues, resulted in the MississippiRenewal Forum, which led to a remarkable collaborative endeavor inresponse to the devastating hurricane Katrina of 2005.
Additionally, Michael loved music. In fact, he and his wife of 24years, Jene Ray Barranco, met at Poet’s in 1986 where Michaelperformed regularly with the Andy Hardwick Trio. Though he probablybetter known for his work with the Bluz Boys and more recently withthe Barranco Brothers.
Michael, a native of Jackson, is survived by his wife, Jene RayBarranco, and their three children, Mia (18), Julia (14) andMichael Anthony Jr. (12). He is also survived by his parents, JohnS. Barranco Sr. and Camille Griffith Barranco of Jackson; brother,John S. Barranco Jr. of Nashville, Tenn.; sister, Pam Barranco Jewand Sam Jew of Jackson; brother, Vincent Barranco of Nashville; andsister, Lesa Barranco Nuzzo and Al Nuzzo of Jackson. He is alsosurvived by 15 nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, atthe Belhaven Center for the Arts in Jackson. A private burialservice followed for family. Wright and Ferguson Funeral Home inRidgeland assisted with the arrangements.
Donations, in lieu of flowers, will be used to set up the MichaelBarranco Boy Scout Fund and Redeemer Church, where Michaelestablished a troop as a ministry outreach to the underprivilegedboys in the local community. To donate contact, Scott Marshall at601-714-1668 or e-mail at smarshall@marshallfp.com.