Ward Four election July 13

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 2, 2004

With former Ward Four Alderman Bob Massengill moving into themayor’s office, board members declared a vacancy and scheduled aJuly 13 special election to fill the Ward Four seat.

Bonita Bullock, Brookhaven Election Commission chairwoman, saidcandidates will need to collect petitions with the signatures of 15registered voters from Ward Four. July 2 will be the qualifyingdeadline.

So far, retired business owner Don Estes is the only person toannounce his candidacy for the Ward Four office. There has beensome speculation on other possible candidates, but no officialannouncements.

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Bullock said a special election could be avoided if there isonly one candidate.

“If there’s only one candidate to qualify in the race, thenaldermen would declare that person the winner,” Bullock said.

Tuesday was Massengill’s first full day as mayor after he wassworn in to office Friday.

Massengill said Tuesday night that he was excited to have theopportunity to be mayor. He said was looking forward to workingwith the board and city department heads to help the city progressover the next year.

Massengill will serve through June 2005. Regular city electionsfor mayor, aldermen, and other elected offices are scheduled fornext year.