Living the luxurious life of a dog
Published 5:29 am Sunday, February 14, 2010
If I actually believed in reincarnation, I think I’d like tocome back someday as some rich lady’s pet.
Just think about it. Living in the lap of luxury. Eating the finestof foods, probably prepared by a chef. Never having to put yourfeet down on the ground. In return all you have to do is wag yourtail and maybe lick a face or two. How sweet a life is that?
I’ve heard news over the years of eccentric celebrities leavingtheir estates, which are worth millions, to their pets. Forinstance, some of you may remember Leona Helmsley, the New Yorkbillionaire who was known for her erratic and mean behavior. Whenshe died in 2007 she left most of her billions in trust funds witha whopping $12 million trust for her tiny Maltese dog,Trouble.
Little did Helmsley know how much “trouble” that little $12 milliontrust was going to cause. Not only did she leave a hefty amount toher pet, she also designated the majority of her money to go to the”dogs” – dog causes that is.
Helmsley’s will was later overturned by her relatives and businessassociates, and now only $2 million is left for her beloved pet.Little Trouble now lives with a caretaker in Florida who receives$60,000 a year as a guardian fee. Other yearly expenses for thepampered pet include $100,000 for full-time security (because hislittle life has been threatened); $8,000 for grooming and $1,200for food. Not bad for a pooch!
As for Helmsley’s other money, a judge decided the trustees coulduse the money for other causes … not just those dealing withdogs.
Another famous pet with money is a German Shepherd named GuntherIV. He actually inherited his $372 million fortune from his father,Gunther III, who was given $60 million when his German countess,Karlotta Libenstein, died in 1992.
Apparently, Gunther’s caretakers have taken very good care of hisfortune and are making it grow. In 2000, it was reported thatGunther IV paid nearly $7.5 million to buy Madonna’s home inFlorida. This dog has it all – lots of money and a view, and he’sleaving a little dough for his progeny.
And speaking about stars, “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry andhis wife Majel, left their dogs $4 million in a trust. The dogs’caretaker gets $1 million and the right to live in their mansion tocare for the animals. I bet that guy hopes these pooches “live longand prosper.”
And just look at celebrities. From the magazines I’ve read andspots on television, a lot of stars have pets and they provide wellfor them. For instance, Drew Barrymore and her one-time fella, TomGreen, were awakened by their rescued Labrador to a burning house.They give the dog a $3 million estate.
I’m not so generous with my pets, but I do understand how closesome folks feel to their animals. My pets are an extension of myfamily, too, and are treated as such.
For instance, my little Chihuahua mix has his own wardrobe. He hasa couple of sweaters for when it’s cold outside. He has a fluffy,down-like coat with a fuzzy hood for when it’s really, really, coldoutside. He has a raincoat with a hood for those days when the wetstuff is falling. He even has a couple of T-shirts – justbecause.
I’ve kept his wardrobe somewhat masculine. My daughter’s dogBarkley hasn’t been so lucky. She tends to lean toward the frillypink stuff, which is unfortunate for Barkley.
Living a dog’s life wouldn’t be so bad given the rightcircumstances.
And how was your week?
Lifestyles Editor Tammie Brewer can be reached at The DAILY LEADERat (601) 833-6961 ext. 134, by e-mail at oryou can write to her at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven MS 39602.