Man charged in recent robberies

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 18, 2003

A Brookhaven man faces multiple charges after being arrestedover the weekend and connected to a rash of burglaries androbberies in the area, according to authorities.

Raymond Keith Thomas, 25, of 2570 Old Wesson Road, was arrestedFriday after turning himself in to authorities, said BrookhavenPolice Chief Pap Henderson.

“We had been looking for him. I really wanted to get him off thestreets before he hurt someone,” said Henderson.

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Thomas was charged with one count of burglary for the Jan. 31break-in at Brookhaven Country Club in which a check and sometennis merchandise was stolen, said Henderson.

He was also charged in the robbery of the C-Store at 756Brookway Boulevard around midnight on Feb. 2. Thomas allegedlywalked into the store and bought a pack of cigarettes. While theclerk was getting change out of the cash register, Thomasreportedly jumped onto the counter and grabbed an undisclosedamount of money before running out the door, according to policereports.

He was also linked to a similar robbery at the C-Store locatedat the intersection of Highway 51 and Union Street on Feb. 11. Thesame pattern was followed, except the suspect bought a cigar ratherthan cigarettes, said Henderson.

“We had fairly good video from that,” said Henderson.

Thomas faces auto burglary and grand larceny charges afterbreaking into a van parked at 407 Main Street and stealing anundetermined amount of cash on Feb. 12.

“He had worked with the guy for two days laying down carpet, andhe had seen the money in the van,” said Henderson.

Thomas is being held in the Lincoln County Jail awaiting a bondhearing today.