5 Co-Lin athletes join Hall of Fame

Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 4, 2001

Once again the Copiah-Lincoln Community College Athletic Hall ofFame will open its doors Saturday for the induction of five newmembers. They include the late Keith Daniels for football, CharlieJ. King for football, James Ronny Smith for basketball andbaseball, Walter W. Mann, Jr. for football and Sue EcholsVanderford for women’s basketball..

Daniels, a Monticello native, was the head football coach atPearl River Community College when he suffered a fatal brainaneurysm last season. He coached football at seven differentcolleges, including Mississippi State and Southern Miss. He was a1968 Co-Lin graduate.

Smith, Co-Lin Class of 1966, is from Brookhaven (Loyd Star). Hecoached high school basketball at New Hope and Mt. Olive beforeentering the construction business. He served as Lincoln County’sChancery Clerk from 1980-2000.

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King, Class of 1953, coached football and basketball at Co-Linfrom 1957-65. He entered the banking business in 1965. He iscurrently senior vice president with the Bank of Brookhaven.

Mann, Class of ’49, is from Hazlehurst. He was Co-Lin’s teamcaptain in 1949. He earned All-Gulf South Conference honors atMississippi Southern College in 1952. He joined South Central Bellin Jackson and served 37 years.

Vanderford, Class of ’47, was an all-state forward at Co-Lin.She has taught school for 40 years, 31 of them at Simpson CountyAcademy in Mendenhall.

Another golf tournament is on tap and this one is Saturday, Oct.13, at the Brookhaven Country Club. It’s the first BrookhavenDiamond Club Golf Tournament. Proceeds go to the Brookhaven HighSchool baseball program.

It will be a 3-person scramble, costing $75 per golfer. BHS headbaseball coach Randy Spring is excited about the potential. KeithGerald Motors will be giving away a 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 as ahole-in-one prize. The particular hole will be determined beforethe tournament.

Spring said hole sponsorships are available at $75 each and $250per hole. Prizes will be given to first, second and third placeteams, plus Longest Drive and Closest to the Hole.

For more information, contact Spring at 833-2997.

This scribe enjoyed playing golf with Bobby Allen, Perry Brown,Sha Walker and Mark Mathis at last Saturday’s Mississippi StateAlumni-sponsored Second Annual George C. Brown Memorial BulldogGolf Tournament. Our team shot a 10-under 62 which tied for sixthplace. Tournament proceeds went to the Lincoln County MSUScholarship Fund.

Professor Hoopla, B.S., dropped off his list of predictions forthis weekend’s games before returning to the links for a lateafternoon adventure at the Wolf Hollow Golf Club. Hoopla will startwith a Thursday night special and graduate to Friday.

St. Joseph at Wesson: Bruins won’t be able to keep pace with theCobras on offense or defense. Wesson 27-7.

Brookhaven at McComb: Call it a Region 6-4A cat fight in C.C.Moore Stadium. Tigers get their act together. McComb 18-14.

Brookhaven Academy at Central Private: Cougars must beware of anambush in Baker, La. Brookhaven Academy 21-16.

Bogue Chitto at West Lincoln: Bears are entering the meat oftheir Region 4-1A schedule and it’s a tough menu to chew. BogueChitto 42-20.

Loyd Star at Hinds AHS: Hornets sharpen their skills against thewinless War Dawgs. Loyd Star 48-12,

Enterprise at Stringer: Once upon a time, the Red Devils wonthree straight Class 1A state championships but that was sevenyears ago. Enterprise 43-16.

Franklin County at Jefferson County: Ailing Bulldogs visitFayette for a homecoming celebration. Jefferson County 24-12.

Wilkinson County at Hazlehurst: This is a major Region 6-3Ashowdown. Hazlehurst 22-19.

Lawrence County at Port Gibson: Cougars take care of businessand surf the Blue Waves. Lawrence County 35-12.

In other area games: Prentiss Christian School should shaveCopiah Academy 24-21, East Marion should edge North Pike 20-13,Parklane should clip Centreville 28-21 and South Pike should trashTerry 39-10.

East Central at Co-Lin: On a beautiful Saturday afternoon inStone Stadium, the Wolves win their homecoming game and remainunbeaten. Co-Lin 21-13.

Pearl River at Southwest: Wildcats make homecoming a miserablenight in Hurst Stadium. Pearl River 31-13.

Mississippi State at Auburn: Still smarting from their massacrein the Swamp, the Bulldogs fall on the Plains. Auburn 27-17.

Ole Miss at Arkansas State: Eli Manning and the Rebels fly highover the Indians. Ole Miss 49-14.

Southern Miss at Memphis: Golden Eagles become acquainted withthe confines of Liberty Bowl Stadium. Southern Miss 24-10.

In other Magnolia State games: Jackson State should beat AlabamaState 38-18, Delta State should edge Valdosta State 18-10, PrairieView should ambush Valley State 21-20, Mississippi College s shouldshave Hardin-Simmons 28-21, Millsaps should dump Centre 17-14 andBelhaven should escape Campbellsville 14-7. Alcorn State has anopen date to work on its offense.