Sponsors’ effort makes difference
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 13, 2005
Dear Editor,
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the hole sponsors for the 2005Golfing for the Animals tournament.
Special recognition goes to Shirley Johnson, whose tirelessefforts spearheaded the success of the tournament, and TammyTorrey, whose extraordinary efforts in Franklin County wereinvaluable. The funds from this event help us in our mission tocare for and find loving homes for orphaned or abandoned dogs andcats.
Because we are a no-kill facility, many animals have been at theleague for months or even years. This also means we are oftenfilled to capacity and cannot accept new residents. We would liketo thank the residents of this area for their understanding when wehave been unable to take a stray animal immediately. Without thededicated doctors and staff of the Animal Health Center, AnimalMedical Center and Brookhaven Animal Hospital, we would not be ableto care for our animals. They are our heroes.
All our efforts would be impossible without support from thecaring people in Brookhaven. Our only source of operating funds isdonations. We are proud of our organization and of the support wereceive.
I would like to thank the people of the Brookhaven area forsupporting the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League and our efforts tohelp abandoned and neglected animals. We still need you! We inviteanyone with a desire to help to contact the League at (601)757-4367.
Tom Ross,
Executive committee chair,
Brookhaven Animal Rescue League