Garden expert featured during club meeting
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 12, 2009
A joint meeting of the Wildwood Garden Club and the LincolnCounty Master Gardeners will have a special guest to entertain themWednesday morning when acclaimed speaker and author Norman Winterwill talk on the topic, “Captivating Combinations: Color and Stylein the Garden.”
Master Gardener Shirley Estes said Mississippi State UniversityExtension Service Horticulturist Winter has long been a fan ofBrookhaven, touting it in his weekly, one-and-a-half minutetelevision segment as the “garden spot of Mississippi.”
“In general, he’ll be talking about Brookhaven a lot because heloves it,” she said. “He has been coming here with a MississippiState TV crew for years, filming for his TV spot that he does.He’ll talk a lot about Brookhaven and the things he thinks makes itsuch an outstanding garden community.”
Winter makes the rounds, Estes said, and learns what new andinnovative techniques are proving successful around the country.She said he then integrates those techniques into hispresentations.
“He’ll also give us practical stuff about what has done well inthe trials,” Estes said.
Winter will also touch on the Crystal Springs Experiment StationExtravaganza, which takes place this weekend, and what people whowill be visiting it can expect there.
“Every year they plant new things, and they try things there tosee how they’ll do in the South,” Estes said. “Like if we runacross some unusual plants in Brookhaven, like for instance there’sa plant that someone brought to Brookhaven and started growing fromFlorida, we’ve got cuttings, and we took it to Crystal Springs andthey’re growing it in a garden there. It’s all about what’s newthat works as well as what’s old.”
Brookhaven is such a favorite of Winter’s, Estes said, that heproposed last year that a garden weekend getaway be given as a doorprize at a garden show in Gulfport. The weekend getaway was set forthis weekend to coincide with the Crystal Springs show, and thosepeople will be in town touring Brookhaven and learning to love itas well, Estes said.
“That’s just more proof of how much he loves Brookhaven,” shesaid.
The meeting of the Master Gardeners and the Wildwood Garden Clubis open to anyone, and will take place at the Episcopal Church ofthe Redeemer Parish House at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Estes saidWinter will also sign his new book for the public.
“Norman is outstanding in his field, and he’ll be answeringquestions, and he has a new book out that will be available,” shesaid. “He loves Brookhaven so much and is always reallyenthusiastic when he’s in Brookhaven or talking about it. He’s nota native son, but he’s like one, since he’s been filming down herefor so long.”