Indictment returned in shooting
Published 6:57 pm Thursday, August 5, 2010
A Brookhaven man will return from a state correctional facilityto a local courtroom next month to face charges in connection withan April shooting and robbery in downtown.
Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing confirmed Quincy Walker, 22,has been indicted in the April 24 shooting and robbery of86-year-old Eva Pullen. He will face arraignment in Judge DavidStrong’s courtroom on Sept. 9.
The indictment carries the charges of armed robbery, aggravatedassault and a count of conspiracy. District Attorney Dee Bates saidWalker could be facing a life sentence and more.
“An armed robbery can carry life in prison. It’s a capital case,”he said. “It can’t be set by the judge, but the jury can decide alife sentence.”
The maximum penalty for aggravated assault is 20 years, withconspiracy carrying a maximum of five years, Bates said.
Walker was arrested on April 24 about an hour after Pullen wasrobbed of her purse and shot multiple times while she sat in hercar near Fred’s in downtown Brookhaven. He was already on probationfor a previous robbery charge and was returned to state custody atWalnut Grove Correctional Facility.
Pullen was treated and released from a Jackson hospital.
Also arrested in the aftermath of the Pullen shooting was20-year-old David Walker, Quincy’s brother. The younger Walker wasreleased from custody after a preliminary hearing where MunicipalCourt Judge Raymond Boutwell ruled there wasn’t enough evidence tohold him.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said additional evidence inthe Pullen case is still being inspected at the Mississippi CrimeLaboratory. He did not comment further.
In the meantime, David Walker is facing his own indictment for hisalleged role in the armed robbery of a North Jackson Streetconvenience store in October 2009. He appeared in court for anomnibus hearing earlier this week and Judge Mike Taylor set histrial date for Sept. 28.