Park facilities ready when weather changes

Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 5, 2009

As Brookhaven develops and grows, green space andextra-curricular areas remain ever more important to the health ofthe city and its residents.

Brookhaven Recreation and Parks Director Terry Reid updated theboard of aldermen Tuesday on several situations going on with thecity’s parks. He told them the much-anticipated spray parks atBicentennial Park and City Park are ready for children to play assoon as the weather is.

“They’re ready and they’ve been tested. They’re just waiting forspring with the exception of the landscaping at Bicentennial,” hesaid. “But the first time we get a couple of dry weeks we’ll beable to get in there and do that. Both are ready.”

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The spray parks have been an ongoing project since last year,and a priority to city officials who believe the children ofBrookhaven need places they can go to play in the water and cooldown during the summer heat.

In addition to the spray park project at Bicentennial Park, Reidsaid the land donated by former Lincoln County Supervisor BillLoving that adjoins the park will be used at least in part for aparking lot.

Meanwhile, Reid said, the new playground equipment for theBethel Park project is in, and construction should begin as earlyas March.

“On March 2, the crew should be here for installation. That’sthe first day we could get a crew in here,” he said. “Me and (WardThree Alderwoman) Mrs. (Mary) Wilson will get with the churches andcall the volunteers and get everyone ready to work.”

In order to get the Mississippi Development Authority grant toconstruct the playground at Bethel Park, city officials had toprove there would be enough volunteers to do the work. After morethan 160 volunteers turned in interest indicators, MDA officialsgave the go-ahead for the $100,000 grant.

Wilson, who has spearheaded the project, asked Reid if officialsare still working on a way to put restrooms in Bethel andBicentennial Parks. Reid said he is still in talks to find anaffordable way to put reasonable bathrooms in both parks.

“We will find a way to get the bathrooms up. We’ll find a way,”said Mayor Bob Massengill. “We know we need those and workingtoward that.”

Reid also updated the board on the progress at Kids’ Kingdom,which volunteer groups and recreation department officials havefought endlessly to keep cleaned up and usable for children seekingleisure time activities.

Recently, pieces of equipment and a large sign have been stolenfrom the park, which Reid said stymied people in hisdepartment.

The Junior Auxiliary recently held a workday to pick up thetrash and other waste that gathers in the park. Reid said theBrookhaven Police Department has stepped up patrols in that area tokeep vandals and loiterers from gathering and causing furtherdamage.

“It looks a lot better out there, and I’d also like to thank(Police) Chief (Pap) Henderson for stepping up his patrols outthere and keeping an eye out” said Ward Six Alderman DavidPhillips.

In addition, Reid said, the bark ground covering in the parkwill be replaced with pea gravel as soon as the ground is dryenough to get gravel trucks in close enough. The Master Gardenershave also been planting and pruning trees to add to the aestheticvalue of the park.

Reid also told the board that basketball season will begin onMonday, with 104 children from all over the city enrolled thisyear.