Seminar aimed at retailers

Published 5:00 am Monday, March 30, 2009

While the economy may be scary for small businesses in theBrookhaven economy, one “business scientist” said now is actually agreat chance for local retailers to take their businesses to thenext level.

Mississippi Development Authority Associate Manager of ExistingBusiness and Industry John Brandon will bring his “BUY-OLOGY ofbusiness: Thriving in hard economic times” seminar to Brookhaven onTuesday, April 7, at the State Room from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m. Hesaid the message will offer hope to local businesses that aretrying to figure out what their next step will be.

“We can look at things and say the economy is bad, so let’shunker down and wait for it to blow over and maybe we won’t have toclose,” Brandon said. “Or you can look at the ups and downs andconstant changes, and know that your customer is evolving, and tryto find out how can I evolve to meet my customers?”

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Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce Director CliffBrumfield said the seminar will offer hope to local businesses thatare stuck between those two choices now.

“John’s presentation is very timely considering the economy andthe pressure it’s put on many of our area retailers,” Brumfieldsaid. “John is not only an exceptional motivational speaker, alsohas 30 years experience with small businesses himself having grownup in a family business and made it successful throughout theyears.”

Brandon said his message will help business owners learn how toevolve their business to meet continuous needs of their clientele,and as such will keep their business not only afloat but alsothriving.

“The good news is in this economy, especially with a smallercommunity, which is a regional hub and Brookhaven is certainlythat,” Brandon said. “We don’t have to suffer as much if wedetermine that we’re not going to participate in the bad economy,we’re going to fight for our business and keep our marketshare.”

Brandon pointed out that there are businesses that will alwaysthrive, because there are certain needs that are always waiting tobe met in the community.

“As you have more independent and specialty types of businesses,people are still out there buying and participating in theeconomy,” Brandon said. “For instance, people are still gettingmarried so jewelry stores will always have some business, peopleare still going to the prom, and I know there are stores inBrookhaven that cater to that.”

Brandon said he will present a list during the two-hour seminarthat details 20 things a business owner can do with little or nomoney that can make his or her business better.

Anyone may attend the seminar, Brumfield said, even if they arenot chamber members or small business owners.

“John has spoken at several chamber seminars in the past fewyears and always makes a definite impression on the crowd,” hesaid. “We invite anyone who’s interested to come to the seminar,it’s not just for chamber members.”

To reserve a space at this event or for questions, call theBrookhaven Lincoln Chamber of Commerce at 601-833-1411.