Letters to Santa
Published 6:00 am Friday, December 18, 2009
Letters to Santa.
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing good. How is Rudolph? Are all of theelreindeer doing good? I want a Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS gammes,GloDoodles, Zhu Zhu pet, Hannah Montana Barbie set, Polly Pocketsand Wizard of Waverly Place Barbie set.
Kayci Beth Wallace
Bogue Chitto
Dear Santa,
H I Santa. My name is Temarcus. I would like a car and atransformer and a spiderman. I would like toys for my bab ybrother.I would also like a guitar.
Dear Santa,
I love you. Please bring me presents. I want to see yourreindeer and pet them.
Dear Santa,
I have been good. Please bring me a pink camera, some clothes,shoes and makeup, nail polish, and lip goss, and porcilan doll anda pillow and Barbie laptop.
Kelsy Wallace
Bogue Chitto
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl this year. All I would like forChristmas is a laptop, phone, and a microphone.
Dear Santa,
I would like a DS game, a Santa hat, a book, and a new wii game.I need a wii card so I can get a game. Thank you for my presentslast year. I hope you get lots of cookies and milk.
Dear Santa,
Please bring me new helicopter, and new dvds, a new vsmile andnew games, new bike, and a Thomas the Train flash.
Dear Santa,
I want a nes mis, a scooter, babe liv, a LES, a pesfper, Hannahtiks.
Dear Santa,
I want a bike, momy look at me doll, zoom zoom pe, animalbracelets, zebra littlest pet shop, I want to get a HannahMontana.
Dear Santa,
I would like to have a Nintendo ds, a night gown, a newtrampoline, a sweatah, a baby alive and a bicycle. Thank God and Ilove God.
Mollie Grace Bonds
Dear Santa,
Thanks for bringing everything on my list last year. This year Iwant a remote control airplane, electric guitar and amplifier, aboxing bag, a boat in a bottle, a pogo stick, and a robot. Pleasedon’t forget Felders sick friends at Batson and my brother Marshallhas been good too.
Davis Hart
1st grade Bogue Chitto
Dear Santa,
I would like a Nintendo ds, a Barbie doll town and trailer, ababy doll, and not just but two.
Dear Santa,
I love you because you give me presents for Christmas. I want aspark scooter and a wii.
Dear Santa,
I would like you to bring me a construction devastator, themonster transformer. I would also like a lego star wars cruisership. My sister wants a baby swimming doll for the tub. I wouldalso like some new hot wheels cars. My sister also wants a babygirl doll.
Dear Santa,
My name is Allie Grace Crosby and I have tried to be a goodlittle girl this year because I know you only come to see the goodboys and girls. If you can I would like for you to bring me thesethings for Christmas: a Nintendo DS, a baby doll, a glow dome, andalso toys for my family and kids who aren’t as lucky as me. I hopeI’ve been a good enough girl this year and Rudolph will bring youto my roof.
Dear Santa,
I would like a Nintendo DS, some play food and some dishes formy kitchen and ice cream playdough. I need a flashlight.
Dear Santa,
I have been good for Christmas. I would like a baby nurserycenter, because its really cool. I am doing great on my homework.Thanks for bringing me stuff.
Abby Elliot
Dear Santa,
For Christmas please bring me rock em sock em robots. I havetried to be good. I hope you have a good trip.
Hugh Gordon Greer
Dear Santa,
I have been good all year this year. I want a psp, bike, clothes& toys.
Dear Santa,
I would like a 4-wheeler, new cloths and shoes. I also want anew bike, a new bubble blower. I would like a dog that walks, abouncy ball, and a cd player. I want a psp too.
Abigail Keeton
Dear Santa,
I love Christmas and it is my favorite holidays. I hope all thechildren gets lots of toys. I have been good. I wuld like a furreal cat and a Barbie doll. And I wish ever one a MaryChristmas.
Kylie Rippy
Dear Santa,
4 wheeler, DS, DS game, mp3 player, skate board, golf clubs,dog, guitar, monster truck, boots.
Dear Santa,
I would like a little GT. I also want some new trucks for mybrother and me. I want some LSU clothes. Oh yes, I have been a goodboy.
Dear Santa,
Crossbow, army men, boomerang, airplane, drums, walkietalkies.
Dear Santa,
I want a monster truck. I want a big hunting game. I want amotorcycle. I want it to snow please. I been a good boy thisyear.
Dear Santa,
This is Aaron. I am writing to tell what I would like forChristmas. I have been very good this year. I wish that you wouldbring me a scooter that makes sparks in the bask. I also want somestrawberry plants. I would really like some baby rabbits. Thank youvery much. I will leave you some cookies.
Aaron Middleton
Dear Santa,
I want some clothes, some Nike shoes, some spiderman toys, bikeand playstation, Batman tv, basketball hat, spongebob bed, Xmanmovie.
Cortes Hunt
Dear Santa,
This year I would like you to bring me horses, my little pony,bratz dolls, Barbie dolls, a new puppy, a new kitten for my sister.I would like you to bring her a baby doll and a Dora cooking setand please bring Abby some my little pony.
Lori Davis
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie and a zhu zhu pet.
Dear Santa,
I really want a bike. I also want a DS, art stuff, digitalpicture fame, DS games, mp3 player, and a stuffed puppy. Thank youso much.
Dear Santa,
I would like a toy car, some clothes, a jet transformer. I likethe santa buddles movies please. I would like a Nintendo ds.
P.S. – Merry Christmas
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a puppy. I also want a yellow nerf gun. It wouldbe cool to have a robot to do my homework.
Austin Evans
Dear Santa,
I have been good. Will you please bring me baseball stuff, newbike and some dvds and also a computer games and a laptop.
Peyton Wallace
Dear Santa,
My name is Haley. I love Christmas. I want a leapster with a petpal game and a tv and clothes, and movies and shoes.
Haley Dear
Dear Santa,
Batos, dirt bike, sid, go caart, gooh, game, dog, hat, camera,viedo game
Dear Santa,
I want a doll, music box, Barbie, clothes, toys, puppy. I loveyou Santa!
Dear Santa,
I want a camera, cabbage patch kids and babies, little mermaidgame, bike.
Dear Santa,
I’ve been good this year and I really want a knife
Kyzar Holmes
Dear Santa,
Jeep, Barbies, nails, dressupo clothes, play maekup, horse.
Dear Santa,
I would like a tv for mine and mamas room, a new bike, and a newgame for my D.S., a stuffed bear.
Alexis Smith
Dear Santa,
I want some dolls, a doll house and a lunch box, some bratzboots, Hannah Montana game, laptop, movie, noten=book with pen,lamp, jackit and bookbag, bike, umbrella, new pjs and some gluffs,a necklace and a teddy bear.
Alaina Coleman
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the present you bought me last year. This yearI want Aunt Tracie home for Christmas. Toys are good too. Have amerry Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I want a new scooter and a wii with games and colored golfballs, and I also want a leapfrog and leap frog games that areprincess games, Hannah Montans tickets. Thank you Santa Clause forlast years presents.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for sending my elf Lily to me this year. I want asewing machine, and American doll, salon station, Barbie camper,doll house and a bed for my dolls.
Dear Santa,
I have been good all this year and I would like a small pinklaptop with a small pink mouse with it. My sister has been goodsometimes and she will like riding toy and my baby brother wouldlike a riding toy.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I wish for a drum set. I wish for somenew wii games, new ds games. My mom says I need some new clothes. Ialso want some real mary kay makeup, a flat screen tv for my room,and some more jewelry. I wish that you will have a safe trip toeverybodys house and I hope all who are sick get well. I will leaveyou lots of milk and cookies.
Kylie Chapman
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a basketball goal and a doll. I would also likea Cadillac escalade power wheel. Maybe a drumset.
DeMarcus Porter
Dear Santa,
I love Santa. I want a dodge charger, pogo stick, bike, dirtbike, little trucks.
Dear Santa,
You are the best friend that a girl can have. I would like tohave a new DS, a toy horse. Santa is the best friend.
Dear Santa,
This is the things I want for Christmas. I want a pink 22 rifleand a ketlyn doll too, and cow girl boots, a Nintendo ds.
Dear Santa,
I want a bike and a game that is care bears, some new cloths andshoes, a new Hannah Montana pillow and guitar, 4-wheeler anddecorate my room, Hannah Montana wig, psp and strawberry shortcakegame, new phone.
Madsion Keeton
Dear Santa,
I would like a bb gun, LSU stuff, Bolt stuff animal,trampoline.
Dear Santa,
I want a DSi, long shot nerf gun. I have been good.
Tristan B.
Dear Santa,
Can you bring me a star wars spider walker, a speed bike, doco aYodu and a thermuil, and atted atrt. Oh I made you a telescope.
Justin Kyzar
Dear Santa,
I love you. Can you bring me what I want please? I would like tohave a new game for my xbox 360 and some cool toys. Bring me somefudge rounds too! Oh don’t forgert my brother cory.
Cody Lester
Dear Santa,
My name is Samuel. I’m 7 years old. My momy said that I havebeen a good boy this year. This is what I want for Christmas: atrain set, yo gabba gabba shirt with flick, snowman lantern, flyinghelicopter and a wonder pets boat.
Dear Santa & the girl Santa Claus,
I only want toys. I want a mermaid doll that I can take bath andswim with at the hotel with the kiddie pool.
PS- I want the girl Santa Claus to come to my house. I don’tlike boys!
Allayna Barnett
Dear Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause,
I hope you have had a good year. How are you and the reindeer? Iwan six toys. I want 2 wii games. They are called New Super MarioBros. and Smash Bros. I want 1 DS game call ed Diner Dash, abracelet that is called Lucky Bee Bee. Then I want a gymnastics barand a bicycle.
PS – I like you and Mrs Claus and my sister does too.
Britany Barnett
Dear Santa,
How are you? For Christmas I would like a baby doll, a movie anda bike. My brother has been good too.
Emily Clay
Dear Santa,
I want a scope for my gun, Nintendo DSi with I-carly game, 2 or3 barbies, some makeup and finger nail polish, some clothes &shoes and most of all I want me and my brother to have the bestChristmas ever,
Daria Smith, West Lincoln
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a laptop, a helmet, knee pads, new moonstuff, a new bike and a skate board, and a new cat. If you don’thave a cat, it is fine. And a phone that plugs into the wall.
Maggie Newman, West Lincoln
Dear Santa,
I think I have been a good little boy. I love you santa. I wanta submuren and a nintendow and nintendow game. Thank you Santa.
Noah Addison
Dear Santa,
I love you!! I will leave you some cookies. I hope you’ll lovemycookies, and I hope you love our Christmas tree.I would like a teaparty set, a Moxie girl set, and something for my brothers andsisters please.
Mayce Grace Arnold
Dear Santa,
I would like to get some wrestling men to play with and a newbike for Christmas and a game for my PSP. Thank you.
Jeffery Carroll
Dear Santa,
I love you. Tell Rudof that I love him too. I have been a goodboy this year. Our Christmas tree is set up. I’m ready for you tosome. I willsleep when you come. I want a deer shooting game,Nintendo DS, Ben 10 game and Ice Age game, Havok heli and funslide. Ho Ho Ho!
Cade Everett
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me a razorscooter, Nintendo DS and games, a remote control 4 wheel drivemonster truck, a nerf gun, a truck with a boat and trailer, and anew dvd player.
PS- There will be milk and cookies under the tree waiting foryou. Thank you!!
Gage Hedgepeth
Dear Santa,
What I want is a power ranger and a psp and Game boy. I wouldlike a rip stick too.
Trevan Jones
Dear Santa,
My name is Tristen. I want Bakugan to make Maxis dragonoid, a BBgun, a real cowboy hat, a shark tooth nekles, a batman car with abatman in it, the Magic School Bus movie, cool clothes, newfootball, Santas buddies, wrestling set.
Tristen King
Dear Santa,
Please santa I will like a boy Barbie and a Barbie jeep, a bik,a telescope, barby shoes, four wheeler, a radio, a cat, playhouse,swimming pool, hot tub and a dirt bike.
Lorelai Langley
Dear Santa,
I love you very much. I would like to have a bike and a Barbie,a camera and a Nintendo D.S. for Christmas. I will leave milk andcookies for you.
Carley Lawson
Dear Santa,
I think I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me alittle motorcycle, drums, electric guitar, plain guitar andoverdrive. Also will you bring my little sister the “Big GreenTractor” CD?
Cooper Moak
Dear Santa,
I want cd’s, a dora doll, a big doll, a big play house, a rug togo ith it, tv, dvd player, pink North Face, new pants, pink DSi. Iwill leave cookies.
Summer Mulkey
Dear Santa,
How are you? I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas Iwould like some knight figures and catapults and a castle, a legostar wars set and a wii. I hope you have a good Christmas thisyear. And xbox and a wrestling.
Tate Smith
Dear Santa,
I want you to bring my brother a go kart. My sister wnts thetwilight books. I want a guitar, purple seashell, baby alive woopsedo, and Alvin and the chipmunks 2. My mam a dress.
Mekayla Wells
Dear Santa,
I want a ipod touch, barbie doll, baby doll and makeup.
Morgan Waldrop, Enterprise
Dear Santa,
I want stickers and clothes and up and Barbie and the threemusketeers.
Chelie Moak, Enterprise
Dear Santa,
I want a ds game and my sister wants a buggy.
Laith El-Rai
Dear Santa,
I have been good. I want a dirtbike, a skate board and a waterturtle for a pet.
Wyatt Bourn
Dear Santa,
I want a nintendo ds and some games for it, a new bike, newhunting boots, a dirt bike, new clothes, DVD movies.
Trevor Grenn
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. I would like to have some wii games, aDeyastary power miner. I will leave you some cookies and milk.
CJ Lambert
Dear Santa,
I have been a kinda good boy this year. So please bring me anintendo DSI with games, a scooter, the wii strike fishing game, abig buck hunting tv game, a cross bow and a 4-wheeler that goesreally fast. Thank you very much.
Lawson Chemin
Dear Santa,
I have been good most of the time. I would like a whimsy pet,Glow Station, Fur real pet, Big coloring book, Brown horse, toypink computer, work book, hungry hippos, and strawberry Shortcakestuff.
PS- Please bring my little brother and sister new toys.
Jessie L. Rippy
Dear Santa,
I would like a ipod, also a nintendo ds, and also I would like aripstick, and I would like some Bakugan, and clothes, and I wouldlike a dog and a motorcycle.
Kylea Shannon
Dear Santa,
I would like these things from you for Christmas. I would likeBakugan warriors, Bakugan cards, clothes with Bakugan on them, aBakugan hat, a fishing pole, and most of all for my Granny to getwell. I really want her home from the hospital for Christmas. Thisis the most important thing on my list.
Michael Kees
Dear Santa,
This year I would like for you to bring me a drum set, fakemicrophone, tinker bell, makeup, skates, knee pads and arm pads,totally nasty science kit and necklaces.
Savanna Rutland
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would really like to have a green bike, a Yamaha4-wheeler, a big Nerf gun and remote control cars. I will leavesome milk and cookies for you. I’ll make the cookies myself!
Mason Broom
Dear Santa,
I have been a good kid. I would like a mini spike, the secondset to my volcano Power scouts Adventure system and any other toysthat you think I would like.
Ryan McDavid
Dear Santa,
I want a Nintendo DS with a spongebob game and dora theexplorer. I will leave you milk and cookies santa.
Melody Arevalo
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I would like a scooter and Bratz car andcell phone and a lion poster.
Kadence Regouffre
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I would like a Michael Jackson cd, aBarbie doll camphouse playset, a Barbie beach with a pool and atroy doll that sings, a Hannah Montan DVD, a Jonas Brothers CD, aBarbie dog park, High School Musical CD, clothes and shoes and asparkly purse and cheerleader clothes. And DVDs with Hannah Montanaand Wizards of Waverly Place.
Emily Jordan
Dear Santa,
I want Indian Jones 2 video game, Bakugan toys, pokeman toys,and stocking stuffers.
Logan Thames
Dear Santa,
Cowboy and Indian playset, farm playset, hunting playset, LionelG-gauge powered playset, Pix Os portable pack, radio controlledjumbo hauler, Little Indian motorcycle, hot wheels monster jamexcaliber, Auto carrier with 4 cars, spongebob DS game, 5-storyparking playset, play mobil S.W.A.T policeman carrying case,transformers- Bumblebee action figure, and animated leader classmegatron.
Will Boyles
Dear Santa,
I want a mps3 player, and I want tinker bell controller toy, anda webkinz frog, and Barbie fashion doll, baby on the go with sound,and the Cheetah girls and My Baby Drink & wet doll, lay downdoll, toys r us dog idog.
Chloe McCormick
Dear Santa,
How are you doing this year? I just wanted to tell you that Ihave been a special little girl this year, and if you don’t mindthere are some things I would like for Christmas. A guitar, loveand care for all the people in my family that went to Heaven thispass year and I would also like a play puppy dog, new clothes, acell phone. I also would like everybody to celebrate Jesus’ birthand love one another like Jesus loves us.
Maggie Owens
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a Barbie. I have been good.
Tamara Adams
Dear Santa,
I have tried to be good. Would like a new little big monstertruck. And I would like a new game. I want a new playstation game,could it be a basketball game.
Shaun Arbaugh
Dear Santa,
I want a banjo, electric guitar, microphones, ipod, hockey tablefor my room, cell phone, deodurant, little umbrella, mace-up, bedstuff, new computer.
Lauren Gartman
Dear Santa,
I want a xbox 360. I want a blackberry phone, Tony hawk ride anda pig.
Trent Isaiah- Charles White
Dear Santa,
I have been a very sweet girl. I would like a DS and HannahMontana and my little pony games. And I want the Santa buddiesmovie. My brother Austin wants a bean bag too. I will leave yousome milk and cookies. Thank you.
Caitlin Walker
Dear Santa,
I want a DSI, rockband and razor scooter, PSE. Thank you.
Kaden Stamps
Dear Santa,
I would like a DS with game to play with and movies.
Brook Rutland
Dear Santa,
I want a DSi and a bunch of marbles. I want a pink phone.
Madison Montgomery
Dear Santa,
I want an electric guitar and a hamster because my other hamsterdied. I want a skateboard and a dvd player.
Barry Hollingswoth
Dear Santa,
I would like a Nintendo DS, Bacugans, coloring book and crayons,WWE shirt, three monster trucks, four dump trucks, spongebob game,one race car, and two swords. One for me and one for my cousin.Please be safe and I will see you soon! Bye Santa.
Zan Hodges
Dear Santa,
I would like to color changing Barbie. And a present for mydaddy and brother. They died last year. I would like an Art set. Ihope Santa wheres his seat belt and be safe in the snow.
Jasmin Vige
Dear Santa,
My name is Wyatt. I am 6 years old. I want Santa to bring megamecube & ps2 games, Disney Cars toys. Merry Christmas!
Wyatt Givens
Dear Santa,
I want a xbox 360 and a phone for Christmas. I would also likeCall of Duty: Modern warfare, Assassins Creed for xbox and big GameHunter, Super Mario Brothers and MarioKart for the wii.
Matthew Burns
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my toy last year. This year I would like to have amonster truck with a remote control.
Caleb Moree
Dear Santa,
I want a blue rock pockit, legow space pleas, rill graypisthol.
Hunter Smith
Dear Santa,
I am 8 years old. My name is Joshua. I been good. I want a newgun. I want some trucks, games an some new marbles. I want a bikeand some camo. I need a new necklace.
Josh Richardson
Dear Santa,
My name is Gabriel McGee. I want a guitar, and a drum set and abig car for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a Megatroid bakugan, theee wii huntng game, thatnew spark scooter, and lots of crayons and markers because I liketo draw.
John Dawson
Dear Santa,
I want a talking baby. I have been good. I want a Hannah Montanamicrophone. We will give you some milk and cookies.
Dear Santa,
Santa I want a laptop. I also would like a Nintendo dsi. I lovesanta. I would also like a Taylor Swift cd.
Dear Santa,
I want 20 Bakuoygon, and a pocket rocket, and a electricgettoar, and a real pet hamster with water and food.
Nathan Case
Dear Santa,
I want Pokemon toys. And a bunny. I would really like a new DSgame. But most of all I would like a new bike. A blue and yellowone please. I love u santa.
Alex Stewart Braeham
Dear Santa,
I have been a pretty good girl. I want some clothes, cowgirlboots, some books and a back pack. I also would like a bike and aBarbie house, highheeled shoes, a sant apicture.
Destiny Beard
Dear Santa,
I would like for you to bring me a mp3 player, electric guitar,and drums. I will leave you some milk and cookies and Rudolph somepopcorn.
Eli Bayless
Dear Santa,
I love u santa clos. Please bring me an American girl doll. Iwant a doll house and a tea set. I want a pair of high heels.
Sara Kate
Dear Santa,
I hope you injoy my Christmas list. Bring me the stuff that onit. I have not been naugty. My brother Austin has.
Dear Santa,
I would like to get these toys for Christmas: GI. Joe,transformers, toy gun, raindeer, computer, toy santa, jacket,ckoths, car, money.
Rory Greer
Dear Santa,
I would like a new bike, a new Bakugan set, a super man actionfigure, a Nintendo DSI.
Chase White
Dear Santa,
I would like a bike, bratz doll, puppy, tinkerbell movie, santaclaus toy.
Molly Thompson
Dear Santa,
Please santa I want an xbox 360, ripstick and dirtnike too. Andsome games for the xbox 360 and 22 rifle and a shotgun.
Larson Emfinger
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie house and a vet and moxie girl. I love santa, Mytwo front teeth and a laptop.
Madi Smith
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good boy this year. Please bring me aNintendo DS, a remote control truck, a nerf gun, foam sword, BenTen alien force wii game, a bow and a lot of arrows. The Dukes ofHazzard 3-D movie, Walker Texas Ranger movies, walkie talkies,light up light sabers that stick together, and the movie about thetrain.
Luke Smith
Dear Santa,
My name is Kacey. I love you santa. I want a pupu, a game 4 thefamily, a new snow globe.
Dear Santa,
We are students in Mrs. Schmitz and Miss Katie’s KindergartenClass at Mamie Martin Elementary. We are working very hard to learnmany new things. Mrs. Schmitz says we are a smart class. We haveworked hard to be good this year. We just like to talk a lot.Santa, thank you for all the wonderful things you brought us lastyear. We have had fun playing with everything. We have made a listof our favorite things we would like for you to bring us. Therewill be a special treat for you and your reindeer under our trees.Have a safe trip. We love you! Merry Christmas!
Joshua Alexander – boxing gloves, X-box, Hulk costume
Amira Al-Rai – Barbie, squishy car for Amir, perfume
Austin Caves – Remote control truck, cars, bulldozer
Dempsey Clark – Race truck, paint set, ladder
Donovan Jett – Robot, motorcycle game, firetruck
Gregory Jones – Baker, motorcycle, race car
Zory Jones – Crazy cook sweet sensation, frosting pen videogame
Collin Kellum – Bakugan, Batman cave, remote control
Jaelyn Mallard – Robot truck that makes music, toy snowman, toytruck
MaKenzie Mealer – Coloring book, crayons, ponies
Levi Pinkham – Cell phone, sticky hand, 4-wheeler
Emily Ralson – Barbie, Barbie car, Hello Kitty shirt
Rishard Smith – Race car, bike, gorilla
Savannah Smith – Trampoline, dog, cat
Taqiyah Washington – Barbie, bakery, lamp
Michael Winston – Dirt bike, X-box 360, motorcycle
Miss Katie – Furniture for my new house
Mrs. Schmitz – Great 2nd Semester
Dear Santa,
I’ve been pretty good this year. I love you very much. ForChristmas, I really want a Bratz doll and a Barbie doll, an oven soI can cook desserts for my family, an apron, and pot holders, andthe pig game, that pops his belt when you feed him too manyhamburgers. I’ll help mama make you cookies again this year!
Avery Lang Wilkinson, 4 yrs old
Dear Santa,
I’ve tried real hard to be good this year. For Christmas I wouldlike… A PSP game, a 4-wheeler, a loot of big trucks and logtrucks, like my daddy’s and a Playstation 2 with some coolgames.
Cade Wilkinson, 6 years old
Dear Santa,
I want a power pack 4-wheeler, a remote cotroll boat & dirtbike, a Robot, some hunting clothes, Knects & a skatboard. Ipromise I will be good until Christmas.
Jacob Scott Stewart
1st grade West Lincoln
Dear Santa,
Say hi to Rudolph. I want a x-box 360. I want a electric guitarwith fams, Ford’s Buss Lightyear game. I want four wheeler. I wanta rhino. I want a baseball bat. I want a slip and mal wudey. I wanta skateboard.
Douglas James
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
How are you? W want a fast car. I want a bell. I want reindeerears. I want Mario and Sonic at the Winter Games. I want drums. Iwant Atlanta Brave hat.
Will McCullough
1st grade, Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. I want a dollhouse. I want a xBox 360. Iwant guitar. Merry Christmas!
Kayleigh Stone
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I want a baby that swims in the bathtub.
Jessie Gill
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa Claus. I want a camera. I want a caron maker. Iwant a ipod. I want a guitar. I want a flute. I want a drum. I wanta x-ray. I want a relle fish. Merry Christmas.
Lansley DeDeaux
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I want a electrc guitar with a drumset.Merry Christmas!
Hayden McCurley
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I want a Ds this Christmas.
Jaycee Leigh Case
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. How are you? How are the reindeer? Say hito Rudolph. Is Rudolph real? Meery Christmas! I want a dollhose ina bike. I love you Santa. From: Calia to Santa.
Calia Beard
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. How are you? How are the reindeer? Say hito Rudolph. Is Rudolph real? I want a four wheeler.
Isabelle Smith
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
How are you? How are the reindeer? I have been very good. MeeryChristmas. Say hi to Rudolph. I s he real? You rock Santa. I loveSanta! I want a PSP. I want a leed rope. I want a new bed sped withhorses on it.
Madison Pickett
1st grade Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? I want my two front teeth gone. I want aintindo DSi.
Wyatt Hodges
Dear Santa,
How are you? Are you really jolly? I hope you are. How isRudolph? I s he real? Send a letter back to me. I want a new DS.Merry Christmas!
Cade Watson
Dear Santa,
I wood like a four wheeler. How are you? I wood like a D.S. andD.S. games. I wood like a wii and same wii games as cade. I woodlike a drum set.
Harrison Hux
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. I want a ds. Thank you. You are nice.
Ethan Jackson
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa. You rock santa. I want a bicke. Say hi toRudolph. I have been very good. I want mackeup. I want a teaset.
Patience Smith
Dear Santa,
I have been good. How are the reindeer? Merry Christmas santa. Iwant a xbox 360. I want a DS. I want a PSP. I want a pellet gun,Tony Hawk ride, drum set, hidden blade light saber, big scateboard.
Lawson Smith
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer? How are you doing?/ I s Rudolph real? Iwant a xBox 360 for Christmas. I love you Santa.
Luis Bearidez
Dear Santa,
I love you santa. You rok. Have a good year. I want my to frontteeth. I want to have a good Christmas. I want a drum set and awii.
Dylan Case
Dear Santa,
How are you? I want a ex box and I want lego rock band and someplay station games.
Corey Martin
Dear Santa,
How are you? I want a Barbie girl collectors, another piggybank, toy parrot, plastic vase, makeup, and a little Barbietree.
Holly Waldon
Dear Santa,
I want a ds dsi for Christmas and a baby doll. I want a cat.
Charleena Goodin
Dear Santa,
I want a for weer. I want a musaloder.
McKinley Smith
Dear Santa,
I want 10 wii games. I want a new scooter, go cart, dol, a cat,jac in the box, bebe gun, coloring book, talar swith movie, Up themovie a dog, and a fish.
Skyler Coley
Dear Santa,
I want a motor cycle and a four wheeler and a psp.
Versie Wilson
Dear Santa,
I want a dote bike, a cow, a combine, a cowboy hat, a dsi. Thankyou for bringing lots of presents this year.
Konno Fauver
Dear Santa,
I want a doll that comes with a horse and comes with clothes. Iwant you to get my sister a game like me.
Abbigail Brown
Dear Santa,
I want a 22 rifle standard and a wii. I love yo so much. I willlove you all of the year.
Colton Falvey
Dear Santa,
I want a Hannah Montan wii game.
Madelyn Smith
Dear Santa,
I want a pocket knife and a four wheeler and a motor cycle.Happy Christmas.
Zachary Hoffman
Dear Santa,
I want a ds. I love you. Thank you for the presents you broughtlast year. Bring my mom a necklace. Get my brother a reslen game.Get my daad a raindeer. Get my sister sum babrbie dolls. Get mymawmaw a jingle bell. Get my pawpaw a tool. Get my ante akechan.
Taylor McCullough
Dear Santa,
I want a wii and wii games. Thanks for the presenents from lastyear.
Arie Montgomery
Dear Santa,
I want a horse. I want a barn for my horse. I want a new home. Iwant a baby dog. I want a swing set. I want a guitar. I want a fourwheeler.
Marleigh Bullock
Dear Santa,
I want a tree house. I want three guitars, two backpacks thet Ican color, two laptops, 100 things four my birthday and it donmatter what it is. Thank you four all the presits thet you gave melast Christmas.
Brianna Lynn
Dear Santa,
I want a wii aith a balance board and a ds for Christmas. Thankyou for the presents you got me last year and I want sum more gamesand presents.
Layla Racliff
Dear Santa,
I want a dsi and 40 wii games. Santa will you give my moma anecklace? Thanks for presents. Will you give Dad a monster truck?And my sister a new home.
Austin Durr
Dear Santa,
I want a doll, bab doll, kite, dog that I can play with, lots ofdolls, a board game, connect four by four, a guitar, blue kidsnuggie, ipod, ds games. I love Santa.
Karli Martin
Dear Santa,
I want a big police car and a police man.
Preston Rohr
Dear Santa,
I want a guitar, a horse, a skate board, Nintendo ds & gamesfor Nintendo.
Stephany Kennedy
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa. I want a four wheeler. I want a cellphone.
Zaquavius Arnold
Dear Santa,
I want a Nintendo ds, games that go with it and a charge.
Madison Allen
Dear Santa,
I love Santa. I want a Nintendo ds, a hot will, a drum set, aNintendo cover, electric guitar, a scoobe doo radeo, ipod, Nintendods charger.
Chase McCullough
Dear Santa,
I want a de and sum more games for my x-box 360, skateboard,blue snuggie, guitar, four wheeler, radio, wii, ipod.
Kayleigh Waldrop
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a Tony Hawk ride and a Cheetah snuggie anda dog. I love you Jesus and God.
Halsey Stewart
Dear Santa,
I want scooter, Nintendo, dsi, ipod nad psp and phone.
Cammie Leggett
Dear Santa,
I want a radio, red snuggie, ipod, and guitar. I love youSanta.
Jada Jackson
Dear Santa,
I want a Jeep, a brother, a dirt bike, a four wheeler.
Rayden Harveston
Dear Santa,
I want a horse, four wheeler, in ground pool, bugcollection.
Dakota Williams
Dear Santa,
I want a scooter and a chane for my four wheeler. And a dirtbike. And a Nintendo dsi and a violin.
Kevin Goss
Dear Santa,
I love santa. I want a guitar, and ipodm snuggie, Nintendo dsi,radio, real phone.
Alysa Morris
Dear Santa,
I want a psp, ds, x-box 360, games for it, ipod, zebra snuggie,pink hart guitar with kissis, pink skateboard, rill cake maker,flat screne tv, water slide, computer pet, markers board.
Carleigh Bessonette
Dear Santa,
I want a hut. I want an elf on a shelf. I want a spelling wordgame. I want a wii.
Kaylee Ezell
Loyd Star
Dear Santa,
I want a lunchbox, and some uggs, and a wii, and a hut, and arock band, and a make-up kit.
Jovoni Dove
Dear Santa,
Basketball goal, BB gun, elf on the shelf.
Terez Smith
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie doll house, a make-up kit, a Blackberry, a pink4-wheeler, a hut, a laptop, an I-Carly game, a Nintendo DSI, elf ona shelf, a hamster, zebra rainboots, and a puppy for Christmas.
Tessa Smith
Dear Santa,
I want and elf on a shelf, Nintendo ds, peace lap-top, make-upkit, I-carly game, doll, bb gun, bed spread, a hut, uggs.
McKenzie Newell
Dear Santa,
I want a puppy, a new bike, a hut, a dress, wii, rockband, Uggs,and a makeup kit.
Jaycie Case
Dear Santa,
I want a wii, and an elf on a shelfand a laptop.
Clay Callender
Dear Santa,
I want a basketball, a Blackberry, a Rockband, BB gun, and anelf on a shelf.
Ben Smith
Dear Santa,
I want a wiiand a puppy and a mak-up kit for Christmas.
Maddie Calcote
Dear Santa,
I want zebra rainboots, guitar hero, a hut, a new bedspread,blue 4-wheeler, laptop, pink Nintendo DSI, Uggs, Icarly gam, horse,pink BB gyn, Blackberry and Hannah Montana video games forChristmas.
Marlee Rogers
Dear Santa,
I want a pink Nintendo DSI, also a pink 4-wheeler, wii, androckband, a hut, uggs, and elf on a shelf, a hamster and a makeupkit.
Gracie Smith
Dear Santa,
I want a Blackberry, elf on a shelf, a wii, a laptop, a hut andbooks.
Halen Rose
Dear Santa,
I want a horse, puppy, elf on a shelf, Blackberry.
Colton Bradley
Dear Santa,
I want an I-carly game, Balckberry, BB gun pink, Hannah Montanaand a pink BB gun.
Savannah Rippy
Dear Santa,
I want a laptop. I want a blak bare.
Nikki Case
Dear Santa,
I want a Nintendo DSi and a wii and a psp. I want a Hannah bikeand a xBox 360 and a princess and the frog game for a wii and Iwant a pup.
Diamond Allen, Mamie Martin
Dear Santa,
I want a xbox 360, skate, monster truck, skate board, and apsp.
Jordan Baker, Mamie Martin
Dear Santa,
I will have to see Santa’s Rudolph. I want a bike. I want a pinklaptop. I have seen Rudolph. I want a bik.
Jayla Banks
Dear Santa,
I have been good in Mrs. Moores room. Give me ten motorcycles toshare with my friends.
Jimmie Butler
Dear Santa,
I have been good. I want xbox 360 and I want a monster truck,laptop and a puppy.
Karlon Butler
Dear Santa,
I have been very good Santa. I want a doll santa. I loveChristmas. Merry Christmas Santa. I love you. I want a ball and alaptop too.
Samaiya Byrd
Dear Santa,
I want a new book sak and a wii, a new super Mario bros and M& M cart. I also want a pupy and a DSi. Merry Christmassanta.
Drew Coates
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I want a Nintendo DS and a laptop. Ialso will just love a puppy too. I will like to meet Rudolph and mysister will too. I wont a pogo stick. Merry Christmas Santa!
Nick Freeman
Dear Santa,
I have been so so good this year. I want a Nintendo dsi, alabtop, a puppy, some skates, and a new bike too. My brother wantsto meet Rudolph. Me too. I love you Santa. Merry Christmas!
Myla Harvey
Dear Santa,
I have been very very good this year. I want to meet Rudolph. Iwant a club house for Christmas. I want a pup and some skates.
Katoria Howard
Dear Santa,
I want a wii. I have been good. Merry Christmas Santa. Santa,you are the best. I love you. Kayla said she is going to open thedoor for you. I want a puppy too.
Isyss Jackson
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa. Merry Christmas Santa. I will love to seeRudolph. I will love to see Mrs. Claws.
Kairi Milton
Dear Santa,
I want a pig for Christmas and pink laptop. I also want amotorcycle, pink Hannah Montana jeep and a motorcycle and a pup. Ihave been a good girl. Merry Christmas!
Miracle Mobley
Dear Santa,
I want a play stashon and a psp, skate board, and some skates. Iwant a bat mat toy, and a book sack. I also want a munster truckand a dog and some pups.
John Smith
Dear Santa,
I have been good in class. How is Rudolph, Santa? I want to seeRudolph. I want a toy car.
Taurion Terrell
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I want a game all spider man and alaptop. I want to see Rudolph.
Calvin Thompson
Dear Santa,
I want a dog, a littlest pet shop, Easy bake and moxie girls andearrings. I want to see Santa.
Lauren Mabry
Dear Santa,
I want this to be the best Christmas! I am sorry it is cold atthe North pole. I would like two things for Christmas. I would liketo have a bike and a game.
Gabriel Burnett
Dear Santa,
We already have our Christmas tree up. I want my two front teethand a guitar. My sister tells my mom and dad she does not wantanything but you can give her earrings.
Chloe Warren
Dear Santa,
I like to sing Christmas songs. Can I get a present? I love youSanta Claus. Can reindeer fly?
Amiah Stewart
Dear Santa,
I would like a good Christmas. I wish for you. I won’t forget tomake cookies and milk. I would like a doll and a book about you. Ilike your elves. I can’t wait for Christmas!
Shelby Stokes
Dear Santa,
I love Santa Clause. I would like a dog for Christmas. I alsowant a laptop. I like your shop. My family and I love Christmas! Ilove Rudolph.
Aerianna McGhee
Dear Santa,
I would like to see Rudolph. Rudolph lives at the North Pole. Iwould like Tinker Bell gloves. Thank you!
Chrstal Eley
Dear Santa,
I love Santa Claus! I have been a good girl. I was wondering ifyou could bring presents.
Kierra Esters
Dear Santa,
I like you because you are very nice. Can you please bring me agame? Thank you!
Zack Jones
Dear Santa,
I love you and your reindeer. I am excited about Christmas. Iwould like a bike and a hamburger playdoh set. I wish I could seeyour work shop. This is my favorite holiday.
Jack Bower
Dear Santa,
I love you and I have been a good girl. This year I would like aNintendo DS and I would like to see Mrs. Claus and I would like tosee the reindeer and Rudolph.
Shelia Cook
Dear Santa,
I hope it is a good Christmas Eve. I would love an xbox 360 anda new bike and an xbox 360 game. I love you Santa Clause! I loveyour reindeer.
Roosevelt Bell
Dear Santa,
I love you. I like to take pictures with you at Christmas. Iwant snow. I want a football. I like Christmas.
Rylan Fortado
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. This year I want a Nintendo DS.I wish I could see you. I want you to bring me lots of toys. I wishI could go to the North pole with you. I want a North Face. Willyou bring me a North Face please? I love you Santa Clause.
Anna Claire Oster
Dear Santa,
I wish to have a Play Station 2. I wish to have some candy.
Devin Lewis
Dear Santa,
I love your reindeer because they can fly. I love the toys thatyou give me. I wish I could go to the North Pole. Christmas is myfavorite holiday. I would like a dirt bike.
Trace Brady
Dear Santa,
I wish I could see you. I like you. I wish I could get someearrings and love and some fun. Thank you!
Isabelle Bruett
Dear Santa,
I love your reindeer. I would like a 4 wheeler and a go cart anda police officer. Thank you!
Tecompsha Warren
Dear Santa,
Santa, what are your reindeers names? I hope that it is a goodChristmas. I wish that I could go with you to the North Pole. Iwould like for it to snow. I would like a trampoline for Christmas.Thank you!
Genesis Frazier
Dear Santa,
I have been a big girl this year. I would like a fake cat and alipstick set.
Amya Brown
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a safe trip. How are you doing? I am excitedabout Christmas. I hope your reindeer are ready for Christmas too.I want a sonic and Mario game. I want a robot and a lion. I willleave some cookies and milk for you.
Jordan, Mamie Martin
Dear Santa,
How are you Santa? I love ya’ll. How are you? I got some foodfor the reindeer. Please bring a 302 coupe for my dad and a trip tothe beach for Mrs. Cox. Most I hope Mom and Dad get what they wantfor Christmas.
Madeline King
Dear Santa,
How are you? How is Rudolph doing? Is his nose red? Is DasherOK? What about Prancer? Is he OK? I want Zoo Zoo pets, a surpriseand a D.S. with a game.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing Santa? And how is Mrs. Claus and the reindeer?But are you ready for Christmas because I am! It is three things. Iwant a wii game and a other puppy and a mama cookie.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing today? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I hope thatthe snow is not too cold today but I wish you can get through forChristmas and I want doll and a make-up box and a play hair doner.And I have milk and cookies too. Happy Merry Christmas and I loveJesus.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I want a spear andDSi Mario Sonic and Olympic games.
Dear Santa,
How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? How are your elves? I will seeyou tonight at the Christmas parade. How are your reindeer? I wanta pink DSi and a baby doll and books. Love you!
Abigail Rose Peavey!
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer doing? I hope you have a saf trip. Is itsnowing at the North Pole? How are you doing? I would like a puppyand a lion.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing at the North Pole? I want a wii with IndianaJones 2 for Christmas and a Xbox 360 and a Play Station 2 game formy Play Station 2 Mario 7 and how is Mrs. Claus doing?
Dear Santa,
I hope your reindeer are ok. Hope you and Mrs. Claus are doingok. I hope it has not been snowing real bad there. How are yourelves? Is Rudolph ok? I would like a puppy, laser cars and a dirtbike. I hope you have a good trip.
Jacob, Mamie Martin
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus today? I hope she is ok. Is everything ok atthe North Pole? Would you like cookies and milk? Oh I just cannotwait until Christmas. I would like an American girl and snow andthe Princess and the frog movie. I love Christmas time!
Marin Anding
Dear Santa,
Ho are you doing? Are you sick are you not sick? Are you okay?The real meaning for Christmas is Jesus. For Christmas I am goingto give you milk and cookies. Is Mrs. Claus OK? How are yourreindeer doing? Do you have elves at the North Pole? I want a Nerfgun and a hunting dog and a four wheeler for Christmas. I likeChristmas.
Tyler Fortenberry
Dear Santa,
How is the North Pole? How are you and Mrs. Clus are all havinga good Christmas. I want three things: a hamster and some zebraslippers and a mini laptop. I hope you have a nice trip andChristmas. Merry Christmas. I love you and Mrs Claus! LoveChristmas!
Dear Santa,
Did you have a good year? I hope you did. There are three thingsI want. I want an American girl doll and I want a laptop and onemore thing I want. I want a bigger hamster cage. Santa make all thechildren no the real reason about Christmas. Have a very GoodChristmas, Santa.
Morgan Moak
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Are you ready to go? I whatsome jewelry and an American doll bed and a hamster and don’tforget the puppy that don’t have a home.
Sarah Elizabeth
Dear Santa,
Santa Claus how are you doing? Are you ready for Christmas?Santa Claus I want a Mario game and a toy and robot.
Dear Santa,
I am excited about Christmas. I wish that I could see yourreindeer. What I want for Christmas is jewelry and clothes andmakeup accessories. I love you Santa Claus! I love my teacher.
Emory Hutson
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How are the reindeer? I’ve got cookies andmilk waiting. For Christmas I want a Nintendo DS, a Indiana Jones 2for DS and a Rock ’em Sock ’em Robot.
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? I want a puppy and a Play Station 3.
Dear Santa,
I like Christmas. How is Mrs. Claus doing? I bet it is snowingin the North Pole. How are you doing? 3 of the things I want forChristmas are: new Super Mario Bros. wii, Garfield books, and Nightat the Museum. I hope you will help Sarah and Simon in Africa. Areyou treating you elves nicely? I hope you enjoy your milk andcookies.
Sam Allen
Dear Santa,
What is Mrs. Claus doing and how is she? How are you Mr. Santa?I want a puppy, a cat and candy.
Atlanta R. Williams
Dear Santa,
We will have cookies waiting for you to eat. I am Ahmad. I wanta Ben 10 toy.
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? Is she doing fine? Are you doing ok, Santa?All the time my family takes pictures everytime it snows. Thatmeans it is cold. I like to take pictures with you Santa. I want ablack DSI, ping pong tables, super Mario sluggers and Mario andsonic at the winter games.
Dear Santa,
How is Rudolph reindeer? Santa are you doing good? How isDasher? Can I see Rudolph the Reindeer? My name is Zayris. I am infirst grade. Mrs. Hickman is my teacher. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Blacktoo. Can you and Rudolph come to my home ad can I have Rudolph thereindeer for twenty dollars?
Zayris Dillon
Dear Santa,
It is almost Christmas time. How is Rudolph? For Christmas, Iwant a Barbie doll and a kitchen set and a Nintendo DS and a wiiand a baby doll. Santa, is it snowing at the North Pole? Do youlike cookies and milk? I hope you have a good Christmas.
Kay-Kay Bridgeforth
Dear Santa,
How is you Rudolph? How are you and how are you Mrs Claus? Iwant a calista doll and a girl game and my name Is Jazz. Mrs.Hickman is my teacher. There will be cookies on the table foryou.
Jazz Brown
Dear Santa,
Hw are you two? Are you doing great? How is Rudolph? I want acell phone for Christmas. My tin brothers want a video game and mysisters one wants a rattle and one wants a Moxy girl.
Dear Santa,
How are you? How are your reindeer? Are they fine? Do they needa place to stay? I want some Barbie dolls and a dora wii game and adora kitchen. I am going to make milk and cookies for you. I am inMrs. Hickmans class.
Timyia Cooper
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I will give you some milk and cookies. How isMrs. Claus? I would like a wii and a ds. I am not sure if I want aBarbie or a puppy.
Madison Crain
Dear Santa,
I want my dad to get better. I want a baby alive woopse and adoll named is kalin and a puppy that swims and I want Barbie timehouse party and I want a brabie van.
Katlynn Durr
Dear Santa,
It’s almost Christmas time. I can’t wait until you come. Pleasecan you bring m e Nintendo ds. How is Mrs. Clause doing? I wouldlike to meet some elves please. How is Rudolph doing? How are you?I hope you are doing good. I am in Mrs. Hickman’s class.
Casey Furr
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus doing? It is almost Christmas time. How arethe reindeer? Can they fly? Is it snowing North Pole? I would likea monster Jam game and a Diego game. My name is Javier and I am infirst grade. Mrs. Hickman is my teacher.
Javier Humphrey
Dear Santa,
It is almost Christmas time! It is almost snowing. I would liketo have a present. I want a motorcycle video game. I want a 4wheeler.
Zy’Kerion McCalup
Dear Santa,
When it is Christmas eve I will lay cookies on the table andmilk too. And please I really want a scooter. I am good. My name isJulia and I am in first grade. Mrs. Hickman is my teacher.
Julia McGuirk
Dear Santa,
Is it snowing there? I would want video games and I am Jalen andI am in Mrs. Hickmans class.
Jalen Porter
Dear Santa,
Do you like milk and cookies? Santa is it snowing at the NorthPole? I would like a puppy. My name is Brandon and I am in firstgrade.
Brandon Ravenscraft
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus. I am doing good. For Christmas I want a wiiand a puppy dog and a new bed for my cat Princess. I am in firstgrade. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Hickman.
Kelli Richardson
Dear Santa,
I love you. I will fix you cookies and milk. I would like a wii,ipod, Mario land game and a puppy.
Nathan Robinson
Dear Santa,
Is it snowing in the North Pole? I can’t wait until Christmas. Iam Katie. I am in firs gade. For Christmas I want a fake piano andBarbie clothes and bindroos.
Katie Sproles
Dear Santa,
Am I on the good list? How are you? Christmas is the best timeof the year. I would like a game Cube and Rudolph as a pet. AndGreendays 21st century breakdown cd. I’m in Mrs. Hickman’sclass.
Garrett Taylor
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? And how is Mrs. Claus? I hope you and Mrs.Claus have a good Christmas. I would like a wii and a spongbob toyfor my brother. My sister likes a cd.
Tristan Thompson
Dear Santa,
Can you give me a wii game for Christmas and a motorcycle andguitar. My sister wants a Barbie. My name is Christian Hill and Iam in first grade. Mrs. Hickman is my teacher.
Christian Hill
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I want a movie, Nintendo ds,drum, Barbie, little pet shop nursery game for ds. I will leave youmilk and cookies for you and food for your reindeer.
Kelly Brister
Dear Santa,
My name is Bryce Tillman. I have been a good boy this year. Iwant a batman, a batman car, 4-wheeler, Robin, black batman.
Bryce Tillman
Dear Santa,
My name is Emberly Reed. I have been a good girl this year. Iwant a baby doll and some other toys.
Emberly Reed
Dear Santa,
My name is Vivianna Tanner. I have been a good girl this year. Iwould like a trampoline and some toys.
Vivianna Tanner
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like a blue motorcycleand some toys. Please bring something for my big sister Arie.
Austin Montgomery
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like a vac-vac (vacuumcleaner), a Jhon Deere tractor and some other toys.
Hedrick Redd
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I would like some toys.Pelase bring Abby, Audrey(my sisters) some toys too, and my cousinMadison wants some toys.
Anna Claire Williamson
Dear Santa,
My name is Gracie Breazeale. I have been a good girl this year.I would like a pink 4-wheeler, a bicycle, barbies. I will leave yousome milk and cookies. I would like makeup too.
Gracie Smith
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like a bull, a horse,a rope, a fence and a bucket too. Please bring my brother Johnnysome toys.
Nathan Rawls
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like a 4 wheeler, someother toys and something for my sister Madeline.
Parker Brooks
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I would like some tools,choo-choo trains and a big truck. I would like a blue 4wheeler.
Noah Busby
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I would like a doll and sometoys.
Atleigh Malbrough
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I would like a horse, stuffedanimal, Barbie and a doll. Please bring my sister Kelly and mybrother Trent something. I will leave cookies and milk for you.
Miranda Kari Brister
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I want a baby doll, abicycle, a computer and an airplane.
Laney Wells
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I want some men, powerrangers, motorcycle and a toy santa claus.
Landyn Bonson
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I want baby dolls, tea setand some more toys. Please bring my brother Trsitan some toys.
Kamyra Carter
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I want a bunch of HannahMontana dolls, and a bunch of movies.
Adrianna Busby
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I want cars and trucks.
Aiden Landry
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year. I would like you to bring mesome toys.
Emma Cremeen
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I want a guitar, batman,motorcycle, tractor, a horse.
Peyton Prather
Dear Santa,
Please bring me, Cameron and Carter a bow and arrow and someclothes. Also bring my Momma a new purse and my Daddy a new gun. Ihave been a very good girl this year.
Cayden Owens
Dear Santa,
I want a Batman cave, some horses, a Big truck, the Princess andthe Frog movie, Lilo & Stitch movie. Please bring my babybrother Mason a teddy bear. I will leave you some chocolate chipcookies and milk. I have been good.
Mac Roberts
Dear Santa,
I want a Lightening McQueen movie, a transformer, wii for me andmy brother Ian, a bouncy ball. I have been good. Please bring mybrother Van a Transformer movie. I have been really good.
Ian Malone
Dear Santa,
I want a toy crown, car, balloons and presents. Please bring mytwo sisters some presents. I have been very good this year.
Alli Ferguson
Dear Santa,
I want a guitar, new clothes, a jacket, a pen to write with,some soap, a car, a computer to share with my sister and apaintvrush. I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies andmilk.
Austin Pounds
Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie camper, a play horse, the Princess and theFrog movie, and a play unicorn. Please bring my brother Maddox ateddy bear and a Mickey Mouse song to dance to. We will leave plaincookies and milk for you.
Mary Claire Johnson
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie camper, a play horse and a pink guitar anddrums. I have been good. I will leve you some M&M cookies andsome Kool-Aid.
JoyAlyson Fauver
Dear Santa,
I would like a hunting rocket, a fighter jet, a helicopter and aplane for DeDa that does not go to the dirty pond and land in it.Please bring my Nonna some pretty earrings.
Logan Chalk
Dear Santa,
I want toys, books, stockings, boots, sticks, boxes and shoes.Bring Hayden a teacher. We will leave letter cookies and milk foryou.
Rick Barnes
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good boy. Can you bring me some craft things?I would like some legos to make things. I also would like a newgood firetruck and a fire truck motor cycle. I will leave you somemilk and cookies since you live In the North Pole. Thank you!!
Tanner Robbins
Dear Santa,
I would like a pink girl car, a kitty cat, new high heels, and anew pink dress to wear to school. I have been very good this year.I will leave you some chicken nuggets and a glass of coke.
Ainslee Jergins
Dear Santa,
Could you please bring me Indiana Jones II. I would also like askateboard and some new clothes to wear. I have been very good thisyear. I will leave you a glass of milk and have you some cookies toeat.
Tucker Carr
Dear Santa,
I have been very sweet to my friends at school. If you can, Iwould like for you to bring me a Dinosaur, a bug car, two horsesand two farms. I would also like my ears pierce. I am going toleave you cookies and milk. Thank you!
Madi Grace Cutrer
Dear Santa,
If you could bring me another horse, I would like it. I alsowould like a new baby doll and clothes for her. I am a very sweetlittle girl and I am very nice to my friends. I am going to leaveyou some pizza and milk for you to eat and drink.
Charleigh Barras
Dear Santa,
I would like choo-choo train. I also like spiderman so could youbring me a new one? I would like a fireman too. I am going to leaveyou milk and peanut butter cookies.
Carson Greer
Dear Santa,
I am sweet to my friends at school. Can you bring me a Barbiedoll? I would like a new pink shirt and a green shirt. I also wantblue jeans with yellow dots on them. Can I have some makeup too? Iwill have you some pizza to eat. Thank you!
Kallie Rose Leggett
Dear Santa,
I want a Thomas the Train, Spencer the Hero, and “Cars’ movie. Iwill leave you some cookies and milk to eat. I have a new babysister.
Joshua Rego
Dear Santa,
I am a good boy. Can you bring me a choo choo train? I alsowould like a new horsse truck, and trailer with new horses. I willleave you chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies for you toeat.
Samuel Porter
Dear Santa,
I want a remote control car. I want a go-cart too. I would likea 4-wheeler also. I been really good this year. I will leave youcookies to eat and tea to drink. My brother and sisters have beengood too.
Jake Meilstrup
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie with a Cinderella dress. And a Rudolph game. Iwill leave you cookies cause that’s what I left last time. To drinkI will leave you chocolate milk. I been good.
Lizzie Donegan
Dear Santa,
I think I want a race car set. I will leave you a sandwichbecause you have been working hard. And a juice box to drink. Ibeen really good. Leave me some surprises too. Please come early onChristmas eve. Oh! And I want that new video game that out too.
Holden Britt
Dear Santa,
I want a skateboard for Christmas. I need new play dough. Mineis old. I will leave you cookies to eat. You know I love you. Ibeen good, I been minding my moma I think. Oh! I want a Rudolphcoloring back.
Evan Brumfield
Dear Santa,
I been really good but my brother has been mean to me. I loveyou. I want a PSP. I will eave you a cake to eat and punch todrink. I want a skateboard too.
Christopher Franklin
Dear Santa,
I want a doll house. I want a bear. I will leave you cookies toeat and punch to drink. I want a unicorn horse.
Laney Kennedy
Dear Santa,
I want a dirtbike. I been good. I want some water balloons too.I want a monster jerk also. My sister wants a dog. I will leave youchocolate cookies and milk. I will leave the light on for you.
Cayman Harveston
Dear Santa,
I want a Cinderella instrument like a piano. I want a doll thatstands up and I would like a yo-yo too. I want a stand up mirrorlike the one at school. I want a kitchen too. I have been good thisyear. I will leave you some cupcakes to eat and some napkins towipe your mouth. I love you santa.
Madeline Smith