Governor helps celebrate county’s newest industry
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Gov. Ronnie Musgrove Tuesday joined Brookhaven and LincolnCounty officials in celebrating the ground-breaking for ContinentalCarbonic Products, Inc.
Continental Carbonic’s new 18,000-square foot facility willrepresent a $10 million investment and about 45 new jobs for thecommunity. The facility will be located on Fender Trail and isexpected to begin operations in April 2003.
“It’s a great day for Mississippi. It’s a great day forBrookhaven, and it’s a great day for Lincoln County,” Musgrovesaid.
Speaking to a small group of community and company officialsgathered at the facility site, Musgrove alluded to thelegislature’s passing a tort reform legislation Monday night andits positive role in helping the state’s economic developmentefforts.
“We’ve taken an important step in that direction,” saidMusgrove, who was reviewing the legislation before deciding whetherto sign it.
Musgrove said Continental Carbonic’s decision to locate inMississippi is great for the company and great for the state.
The governor said Mississippi is moving ahead in economicdevelopment despite a national recession. He said that is theresult of not only working harder but working smarter.
“We believe the people of Mississippi are benefiting,” Musgrovesaid.
Musgrove drew a link between Canton’s Nissan automobile plantand Brookhaven’s Continental Carbonic’s plant.
The governor said both will be opening next April and will beimportant in providing jobs in their respective areas. He toutedContinental Carbonic’s investment in Brookhaven.
“That’s a great statement for Mississippi and a great statementfor the people of this area,” Musgrove said.
Continental Carbonic Products Inc., established in 1976,manufactures and markets dry ice. The company serves customersthroughout the midwest and south in a variety of industries,including food processing, meat and poultry packaging, wholesalefood distribution, in-flight catering and dry ice blasting.
Mark Hatton, vice-president of manufacturing, said the companyis looking forward to being able to expand its services via theBrookhaven facility. Mentioning some of the company’s products,Hatton mentioned a desire to be able to expand the Brookhavenfacility shortly after it opens.
“My goal is to this open in April and be looking at an expansionright after that,” Hatton said.
Continental Carbonic Products Inc. president Bob Weisemann, whowas unable to attend Tuesday’s ceremony, said the company waspleased to be locating in Brookhaven.
“Brookhaven is in an excellent location for our business fromboth a supply and customer service standpoint,” Weisemann said in aprepared statement.
Weisemann said the facility will manufacture more than 100 tonsof dry ice per day while supporting the company’s existing customerbase and looking to expand marketing opportunities in the region.He also expressed appreciation to chamber officials during therecruitment process.
“They have been very helpful throughout the entire process ofsite selection, and we look forward to becoming part of theBrookhaven community,” Weisemann said.
Mayor Bill Godbold expressed appreciation to the company forlocating in Brookhaven and to economic development officials forbringing Continental Carbonic and other projects to the community.He touted an aggressive chamber approach to recruiting newindustry.
“They go ahead and get after it,” Godbold said. “We reallyappreciate it.”
Chandler Russ, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerceexecutive vice-president, said the chamber was excited to haveworked with Continental Carbonic officials on their site selectionneeds.
“They looked at numerous locations and felt that Brookhaven wastheir best location,” Russ said. “We are grateful for this newinvestment and jobs, and we welcome them to our industrialcommunity.”