Car shed lost in fire
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Firefighters from three departments saved a home and twovehicles but lost a car shed at a home on East Monticello StreetThursday afternoon.
Firefighters were notified around 12:40 p.m. of the fire at 1052East Monticello Street, said Heuck’s Retreat Volunteer FireDepartment Lt. Carl Diamond. Heuck’s Retreat was assisted inbattling the blaze by the Brookhaven Fire Department and Hog ChainVolunteer Fire Department.
Neither firefighters nor the Sheriff’s Department could identifythe homeowners when contacted Friday morning.
Diamond said he did not know what caused the fire that totallyconsumed the car shed, damaged two vehicles and ignited a grassfire behind the home. An arson investigator was requestedThursday.
“It’s suspicious right now. The building had no power going toit,” Diamond said.
Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department Arson Investigator RodneyFoster was unaware of the fire until this morning when contactedfor comment.
“A lot of times volunteers often call for an investigator andwe’ll send a deputy,” he said. “If there’s evidence there that itmay be arson, then they’ll call me. I wasn’t called yesterday.”
Brookhaven Fire Department Fire Inspector Andre Spiller said hewas on the scene Thursday to fight the fire. He did not see anyindications of arson, but admitted he did not investigate the scenebecause it was not a city fire.
“Kids may have been playing with firecrackers or something, butit didn’t look suspicious to me. I don’t think arson was involved,”he said.
Brookhaven firefighters left the scene around 1:40 p.m. afterthe fire was out, Spiller said.
Diamond said his crew continued to cool hot spots until around2:30 p.m., when they were called to extinguish a grass fire on DadeLane.