Seminar hopes to promote ‘girl talk’
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 13, 2007
The Junior Auxiliary hopes to open the lines of communication bygiving mothers and daughters the opportunity to talk about femalehealth.
Brookhaven OB/GYN associate Dr. Leigh Cher Gray is the featuredspeaker for the upcoming JA Mother/Daughter Girl Talk. She plans todiscuss female hygiene, preparation for the first visit to thegynecologist, reproduction and other informative female healthtopics.
“We want to open a door of communication between mothers anddaughters,” Gray said. “Most don’t know where to start.”
Mothers with daughters from grades five through eight areinvited to attend the talk from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug.14, at the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center,located next door to the downtown Post Office. Reservations are notrequired.
The local chapter of Junior Auxiliary is following thedirectives of the National Association of Junior Auxiliary, whichis to primarily focus on health and fitness of children, said JAEducation Chairwoman Emily Henderson.
“I hope these mothers and daughters take away lots of wonderfuleducation as well as a common understanding of important healthissues pertaining to young ladies,” she added. “I also hope itallows mothers and daughters to have discussions about their healthwith each other.”
Gray agrees with Henderson’s assessment.
“I thick this will be informative,” Gray said.
Gray said she sees a lot of young women in their late 20s whoare just now getting their first gynecological checkups. Shesuggests that at the latest, young women between the ages of 18 and21 begin visiting a gynecologist. She hopes that by starting thelines of communication earlier young women will be more consciousof their health.
“I hope to allay fears, also,” Gray said of doctor visits.”We’re just people and not scary. It is an important part oflife.”
Another aspect Gray hopes to convey is the importance ofabstinence.
“Girls don’t realize the dangers about infectious diseases,”Gray explained. “And they’re not emotionally ready.”
Gray will also talk about the recently released vaccination forgirls called that may help guard against diseases that are causedby the human papillomavirus.
Another different aspect to the talk is the question and answersession. Henderson has asked the girls attending to submitanonymous questions to her by e-mail Gray will try to answer as many of thequestions as possible.
Gray said she believes that there will be questions that somegirls will want to ask, but not in front of their mothers. Thiswill give them an opportunity.