Champions challenged to live full lives
Published 7:22 pm Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mr. Brister, Mr. Eubanks, school board members, faculty,andparents, I stand before you today to speak on behalf of thegraduating class of 2010 here at Enterprise.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents forcontinuously encouraging me to do my best. God truly blessed mewith you, and all of your love and support has meant the world tome. Next, I would like to thank my teachers for those awful teststhe morning after ball games, homework on the weekends, andassignments I will one day look back on and think, “I knew I coulduse the Canterbury Tales for something!” These assignments andtasks have taught me, as well as my classmates, responsibility andhow to manage time wisely.
Now to my fellow classmates: Muhammad Ali once said, “Championsaren’t made in the gym. Champions are made from something they havedeep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vision.” In saying this, Iask you to understand the following: Champions are not necessarilymade in the gym, on the field or in the classroom. Champions don’talways wear cleats, hold pom-poms or dribble a ball. Champions aremade by what we have in our hearts. Champions are made of hardwork, determination and persistence. Champions are made bysuffering great losses, and still pressing on toward the goal.
Over the past four years, we, the class of 2010, have proventhat we are all champions. We started our high school journey asyoung teenagers. Ninth grade brought us many new experiences, andwe welcomed them, together, as an entire group. Those of yousitting before me today have remained a part of this group. Youhave persevered and overcome all the obstacles that were once inyour way.
As a class, we have also suffered great loss, but moreimportantly, we have overcome it. During our time together atEnterprise, we have experienced athletic defeat, we haveexperienced the loss of friends, and we have even watched ourclassmates face the adversity of losing loved ones.
Our defining moments have come from these losses. Instead ofallowing these struggles to stop us, we learned to hold our headshigh and push on until today-the day some of us have looked forwardto and some of us have dreaded.
The next step will not determine if you are a champion. Each ofus has already proven that.
The next step simply helps define what type of champion we are.As we take this next step in our lives, most of us will be going inseparate directions. We will study new things, and we will live innew towns. We will meet new people and make new friends.
As we leave Enterprise Attendance Center I present to each ofyou a challenge: If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Don’twait for life to happen; assume responsibility and make ithappen.
Our futures are, now more than ever, dependent on us, ouractions, our decisions and what we choose to do. Whatever path youchoose to take in life, go there with pride and remember the placefrom whence you came. Remember the place that helped to make you achampion-the place where you learned some of life’s most importantlessons.
Remember our time at Enterprise. Remember tonight and the finalmoments that we, the class of 2010 have together.
Austin Everett is the son of Al and Marsha Everett.