Governor touts plans for schools
Published 6:00 am Monday, October 29, 2001
West Lincoln Attendance Center students were delighted Friday bya special guest, Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, who stopped by the schoolwhile in the area.
“We’re certainly glad Gov. Musgrove took time off from his busyschedule to visit the Lincoln County School District. It meant alot to us and our students,” said Superintendent of Education PerryMiller.
During his visit, Musgrove spoke with administrators, districtofficials, school board members, teachers and students.
Musgrove even set up a special meeting with Les Jordan’s seniorgovernment class, talking with them about education and giving thema chance to express their opinions.
“There are 2.8 million people in the state of Mississippi, andmany times we hear some of the best ideas from people across thestate,” he told students.
When asked what students think would make the state a betterplace to live, some suggested better county roads and others hopedfor better social environments for students.
Musgrove said that ideas such as those were what would help theentire nation look favorably upon Mississippi.
Some projects, such as the teacher pay raise bill advancing thestate from 49 to 19 nationally and the Nissan plant being thenumber-one rated economic development project in the nation lastyear, have helped boost the state’s image, Musgrove said. He alsopointed out how an upcoming improvement in education will give thestate a number-one rating.
“One of the things we’re going to do is to put an Internetaccessible computer in every classroom in the state ofMississippi,” Musgrove told students.
During his presentation, he signed a $277,000 check for theschool district’s Families First and Intervention/Preventionprograms. The programs, in their second year in the district, offertutoring for students as well as counseling and other services forparents.
Musgrove also emphasized the importance of obtaining aneducation and taking advantage of the many opportunities availableto students.
“Without a doubt, I think education is the most importantthing,” Musgrove commented.
He said some of the people who care the most and are often notthanked for their efforts are teachers and staff members.
“You are very fortunate to have people who care for you and wantto see you succeed,” he said.
After his discussion with the senior government class, Musgrovetoured the West Lincoln campus, stopping in many classrooms tospeak with students and teachers.
Many elementary students were quite enthused by Musgrove’spresence, some giving him high-fives and others saying they hadseen him on television.
Following his tour, Musgrove thanked school and districtofficials for the chance to visit with students. He then went toMonticello for the ribbon cutting ceremony of Foster MillworksPlant, formerly the Kellwood Manufacturing Company CuttingFacility.
Miller commented how grateful he was for the governor’s visit tothe school as it raised the hopes of many educators.
“We’re encouraged by the governor’s support of public educationand his efforts to improve the state,” Miller said.
Musgrove had planned to visit Mamie Martin Elementary Schoolwhile in the area, but his schedule was too tight.