Five arrests made, more possible in drug investigation

Published 5:00 am Thursday, July 19, 2007

Authorities say more arrests are expected after five people werecharged Wednesday in connection with an alleged cocaine conspiracyring.

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department, with the assistance ofthe Brookhaven Police Department’s Southwest Narcotics Unitarrested five people as part of an ongoing investigation.

Narcotics Agent John Whitaker said Cornelius Thomas, 26, of 424East Cherokee St.; Trina Keeton, 26, of 806 Denton Trail; TonyLyons, 29, of 640 North Railroad; Kayla Alexander, 47, of 822 Lot 6North Denton Trail; and Thomas Johnson, of 229 Ingram St., werearrested on various charges involved with an alleged conspiracy tosell crack cocaine.

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“More arrests are expected,” said Whitaker. “They were allworking together.”

Whitaker said the apprehensions began on Denton Trail and therest took place near a convenience store at the intersection ofZetus Road and Natchez Avenue. The officer said the investigationinto Keeton, Lyons and Alexander had been under way for a fewweeks.

A substantial amount of narcotics were confiscated, Whitakersaid, as was a vehicle and an undisclosed amount of money.

“Most of what we confiscated was cocaine, but there were alsosome marijuana charges,” he said. “Besides that, in the course ofthese investigations, we have collected one drug-seized vehicle andsome money.”

Keeton was charged with two counts of conspiracy to sell crackcocaine and Thomas with sale of a controlled substance. Alexanderwas arrested on a city warrant and charged with possession ofmarijuana. Lyons was charged with conspiracy to sell crack cocaineand Johnson was charged with conspiracy to sell crack cocainewithin 1,500 feet of a church.

Whitaker said drug apprehensions are always made easier byassistance from the public.

“We still strongly encourage citizens to call and help us outwith the drug problem if they see or know of anything we need to beaware of,” he said.