Deer remains left on land; wildlife officials investigate
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2005
With the arrival of deer season often comes the irresponsibleand illegal practice of disposing of carcasses on someone else’sprivate property.
Over the weekend, which included the first day of gun season,Jan Busby said several carcasses and a bag of intestines were lefton her mother’s property on Stancil Drive in southwestern LincolnCounty.
“This is the down side of hunting,” Busby said as she displayedpictures of the carnage. “We’ve had a lovely flock of buzzards downthere.”
Busby believes the disposal was retaliation from hunters whowere not allowed to hunt on the 115 acres Busby’s mother owns. Shesaid officials with the state Department of Wildlife, Fisheries andParks have been notified.
Jamie Cummins, law enforcement captain for the area DWFP office,said his agency is “actively investigating” the incident.
“We’re going to pursue it and try to make it stop,” Cumminssaid.
Cummins said it is illegal to dispose of carcasses on anotherperson’s private property. Carcasses, though, have been found inditches, in creeks and along roadsides in the past, he said.
“It is not uncommon during hunting season to see this,” Cumminssaid.
Cummins said law enforcement has limited manpower to combat theillegal dumping. He encouraged citizens to watch for illegaldumping and take down information, such as license plate numbers,so charges can be filed.
“The local people are our eyes and ears,” said Cummins, who alsotouted Neighborhood Watch programs as a means of looking out forillegal dumping.
Cummins said dumping is a health issue as well, so the stateHealth Department is also interested in enforcing the law alongwith sheriffs’ departments and police departments.
“It’s the responsibility of all law enforcement to enforcethis,” said Cummins, who also challenged members of the public tobe observant and help whenever possible.
Cummins and Busby emphasized that their comments were nottargeted at all hunters.
“The true sportsman, we’re not talking about,” Cummins said.”We’re hunting for the guy who’s looking for an easy way out todispose of his carcass.”
Busby said most hunters are responsible and hunt to get food fortheir families. But those who leaves carcasses like the ones on hermother’s property are just lawless, she said.
“They never pretended they were going to eat them. This is justsport,” Busby said.
Following her discussions with wildlife officials, Busby saidshe plans to install cameras around the property in an effort tocatch the people who are dumping the animal parts.
“I’m a woman on a mission,” Busby said.