Elected officials gearing up for challenge of next 4 years
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 14, 2005
As the dust settles following the final round of the 2005municipal elections, returning and newly chosen leaders arepreparing to begin new terms in office.
Regardless of a community’s size, economic development andensuring that its citizens have quality jobs must remain a toppriority for elected officials.
Brookhaven, in cooperation with Lincoln County and Chamber ofCommerce officials, soon will produce the fruits of years of laborin the form of a land purchase for a new industrial park. Thespirit of cooperation must continue during the next four-year termas leaders search for ways to provide infrastructure, such asroads, water and sewer services, to the new park.
Also, Brookhaven’s pursuit of an annexation is still pending.Barring an extended court fight over an appeal, city leaders in thenext four years will be tasked with implementing police, fire andothers services to the expanded area.
Other ambitious plans facing the city in the immediate futureare the start and completion of a long-awaited downtownstreet-paving project, a multi-modal transportation facility andrenovation of the old Mississippi Highway Patrol substation for anew Police Department headquarters. Officials are pursuing grantsand other assistance and wisely using local funds for matchingamounts when needed.
Many other challenges and opportunities will present themselvesin the next four years. We urge leaders to continue the teamworkthat has produced positive results so far.