Church hosts performance of Ark. youth choir
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 14, 2005
First United Methodist of Brookhaven will host the youth tourchoir of First United Methodist Church of Jonesboro, Ark., in apublic concert at 6:30 tonight in the church’s sanctuary.
The concert is the second of four to be given by the 26-memberensemble, directed by Doug Wall. Wall, a Lucedale native, servedeight years as First United Methodist Church of Brookhaven’sdirector of music before moving to Jonesboro in 1992.
Organized in the 1970s, the Jonesboro church’s youth choir iscomposed of students in junior and senior high school.
The youth tour choir performs throughout the year at their homechurch in Jonesboro in addition to their summer tours out of state.In 2004, the group sang a private concert for U.S. Sen. BlancheLincoln, Arkansas’ senior senator. The group will be featured thisyear at the Arkansas annual conference of the United MethodistChurch, to be held in Russelville.
The current tour features traditional pieces, anthems and newcompositions, as well as a premiere presentation of a contemporarypiece titled “He Is Everywhere,” written by Nashville composersKerry Chater, Donna Ulissee and Lynn Gillespie Chater.
The choir also will perform several pieces by Mark Miller,director of music at Drew Seminary.
Included in tonight’s program will be selections by Threes’Grace, made up of choir members Wes Suitt, Alex Nixon and Tim Long.The performances will feature vocals, guitar, keyboard andpercussion.
“These are phenomenally talented young people,” Wall said of hischoir members. “In addition to their work with our choirs, they areleaders in everything they do. They’re honor students, perform inmusical productions, are members of All-State bands and choirs, anda large number of them study privately at Arkansas StateUniversity. It says a lot about the quality of what they do.”