Harold Luther Smith
Published 5:00 am Friday, July 5, 2002
Services for Harold Luther Smith of Brookhaven are 2 p.m.,Friday, July 5, at Friendship Baptist Church with burial in thechurch cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge ofarrangements.
Mr. Smith, 58, died July 2, 2002, at University Medical Center.He was born in Lincoln County on Sept. 17, 1943, to Martin L. Smithand Marguerite Case Smith.
He was retired. He was former superintendent of education forLincoln County School District. He had been Title I coordinator forLincoln County Schools, principal and teacher at Bogue ChittoSchool, on the board of trustees of Co-Lin Community College, andan adult educator for Co-Lin Community College. He was a member ofFriendship Baptist Church, where he was a Sunday school teacher andhad been music director for over 30 years. He was a supplyminister.
Preceding him in death was his father.
Survivors are his wife, Yvonne Sanders Smith of Brookhaven; hismother, Marguerite Case Smith of Brookhaven; his brothers, the Rev.Talmadge Smith and Carrey Smith, both of Brookhaven; and hissister, Elsie Jean Thompson of Brookhaven.
Memorials may be made to the Harold Luther Smith Fund at Bank ofBrookhaven to help with final medical expenses.