Mower found missing from District Two barn
Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A Lincoln County supervisor is searching for one of hismowers.
Lincoln County District Two Supervisor Bobby Watts said he noticedone of his district’s Kubota zero-turn mowers missing when hearrived at work Monday morning. He said the mower, a 2011 modelthat the county purchased around November, had been placed on atrailer alongside another mower when the crew left Friday for theweekend.
“It was on a trailer, ready to go out Monday morning,” saidWatts.
When he arrived to start work on Monday, the new mower was gone,along with 1,000 to 1,100 gallons of diesel fuel.
“They took a lot of diesel and the mower,” he said.
Watts said the mower’s canopy top had been removed, which indicatesto him that it had been loaded on a covered trailer.
“I think they came in and stole it Sunday night because the trackswere very fresh-looking to me, but that’s just my opinion,” hesaid.
He said the thieves were very neat and professional.
“They took their time and they did a neat job,” he said. “They dideverything but mop the floor afterwards.”
Watts said this was the first theft he’s experienced in his 11years as supervisor.
“I ain’t lost nothing there in 11 years,” he said.
The investigation is being handled by the Brookhaven PoliceDepartment. The call originally went to the Lincoln CountySheriff’s Department, said Sheriff Steve Rushing, but was latertransferred to the city.
“We took the initial call and then realized it was in the city, sowe let the city handle it,” said Rushing.
Watts said he was appreciative of efforts by both the police andsheriff departments.
“They’re doing all they can do,” he said.