Douglases celebrate annual family reunion
Published 5:00 am Sunday, July 9, 2000
The 44th reunion of the descendants of John and Nancy Douglas,early settlers of Lawrence County, was held June 11, 2000, at theJim Douglas Community Center in Sontag. There were approximately125 descendants in attendance, with representatives from theJepthah and Joel Douglas lines, who were sons of John andNancy.
From the Jepthah line, his daughter, Sea Belle, was represented,and from the Joel Douglas line, James Bailey Jr. family, the JoeDouglas family, the Luther Douglas family and the Jessie Douglasfamily.
The Joe Douglas line has more descendants than all the otherlines combined. The family began arriving at 10 a.m. and began tovisit and get reacquainted with family members until lunch wasserved at 12:30 p.m.
After the blessing was offered by the Rev. Paul Wilbourn, pastorof Shiloh Baptist Church, the meal was greatly enjoyed by all inattendance.
After the meal, a short business session was held with theoldest Douglas descendant recognized, Addie Mae Douglas Turnage,daughter of James Bailey Douglas Jr.; as well as the youngestdescendant, Baylea Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of Carey and NicholeDouglas.
Mrs. Turnage is 85, and Baylea is 2 1/2 months. Bessie MaeRutledge Douglas was the oldest person in attendance, at the age of87.
A nominating committee met and named their choices for officers,which were nominated and elected. Kevin Douglas is president; OscarDouglas, vice-president, in charge of arrangements; Sarah Douglas,secretary and treasurer; Rhonda Douglas Martin, memorialchairperson; Joy Langley, foods chairperson; and Pauline Douglas,historian.
A very impressive memorial service was held for the familymembers who had passed away in the past year. Aileen Yates Douglaspresided over the service for Arianne Rochelle Hollingsworth,daughter of Julie Autry Hollingsworth. She was buried in HolySprings Baptist Church Cemetery in Lincoln County.
Others were Katelynn Edmond, four-week-old daughter of TonyaMartin Edmond; Evelyn Hammons Grant, daughter of Frances LouDouglas Hammons; Mary Gay Douglas Holloway, daughter of Silas M.Douglas; Jewel Elizabeth Douglas Bounds, daughter of Jess M.Douglas; Homer Lee Douglas, son of James Bailey Douglas Jr.; MackRushing Douglas, son of Edgar Lamar Douglas; and Willie Ray Yates,son of Joseph William Yates.
The candlelighters were Cody Lane and Cassiday Miranda Yates,the son and daughter of John Matthew Yates; and Lana Nichole Yates,daughter of Michael Alan Yates.
Jesse and Devonna Cummings of Bossier City, La.; Douglas Salleyof Milton, Fla.; and Joe and Janice Yates from Montevallo, Ala.,came the farthest to attend the reunion. All areas of Mississippiwere represented. At the end of a great day, with goodbyes andfarewells, family members agreed to meet once again on the secondSunday June of 2001.