Candidates file qualifying papers
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 5, 2004
Election qualifying for election commissioners and school boardmembers opened statewide Wednesday with tepid results.
Incumbent election commissioners accounted for all thecandidates who qualified for the office on opening day in LincolnCounty. Incumbents in each of the five commissioner districtsqualified. Incumbents are John Hightower, District One; Mike Byrne,District Two; Floy McClellan, District Three; Charles Smith,District Four; and Lee Warren, District Five.
“Each one of them has turned theirs in. They all checked out,”said Deputy Circuit Clerk Sherry Jordan.
The only Lincoln County School District board of trustees raceopen this year is in District Five.
District Five incumbent Brenda Warren did not qualify Wednesday,but a petition for the office was received, Jordan said. Michael F.Posey has turned in his petition to challenge her.
Jordan said Wednesday afternoon that the Circuit Clerk’s Officewas still verifying Posey’s petition.
In Lawrence County, races for school board offices opened tosilence.
“No one has qualified for school board yet,” said Deputy CircuitClerk Charlie Lawrence.
Districts One, Two and Three are on the November ballot.Incumbents for District One and Two are Allen Thurman and MaxieBoutwell, respectively.
District Three is a special election. It was added to the ballotlate last year when incumbent Sherry Thames won election as taxassessor/collector during party primaries in August, leaving theschool board post vacant.
Her husband, Tony Thames, was appointed in her stead and intendsto run for the office.
In the election commissioner’s race, all of the incumbents havequalified without a challenger except in District Two, whereincumbent Marilyn Daughdrill has chosen not to seek reelection.
Lolly Schultz of West Monticello is only qualifier for theDistrict Two office.
Election commissioner incumbents include Martha Tynes, DistrictOne; Lorraine Smith, District Three; June Grubbs, District Four;and Luejean Harvey, District Five.
Lawrence County also has a special election for the constablePost Two office left vacant when Claude Davis succumbed to alengthy illness earlier this year. He won the Post Two electionduring the primary in August 2003.
His son, Brad Davis, was appointed to replace him.
Brad Davis is among five candidates for the office, which openedfor qualifying when supervisors declared the post vacant afterClaude Davis’s death.
Edward C. May, Steve Reid, David Tullos and Claude H. Wallacehave also qualified for the office.
Tullos, a former Post Two constable, left the office vacant forClaude Davis’s election during a bid for sheriff. He failed to winthe sheriff’s election and is not attempting to reclaim hisoriginal office.
Wallace placed third in the 2003 race, behind Claude Davis andTony Norwood.
May and Reid were not members of the eight candidate fieldcompeting for the office during the general election last year.
Candidates have until Sept. 3 to qualify.