Missing money probed at New Sight VFD
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Authorities are investigating the New Sight Volunteer FireDepartment for possible misappropriation of funds and have takenits former chief into custody.
District Attorney Dee Bates said former New Sight chief MikeBoyd has been detained while authorities search for an unknownamount of missing money. No charges have been filed, he said.
Bates said the investigation has been ongoing for severalweeks.
“We’re going to have to go through all the bank records to findeverything out,” he said. “We’re searching to see how much money isactually missing. We have an individual in custody who had controlof the money.”
Bates said specific charges would be brought against Boyd onceall evidence in the investigation is collected and handed over tothe grand jury. With the grand jury meeting in early January, Batesexpected the investigation and subsequent case to move alongquickly.
Funding for the New Sight Volunteer Fire Department, as well asthe county’s seven other VFDs, comes from a variety of sources,including a small property tax levy, insurance premium rebates,community donations and grants, when received.
Lincoln County Civil Defense Director and Fire CoordinatorClifford Galey said the county’s volunteer fire departments arefunded publicly through a single tax mill, divided eight ways. Hesaid a portion of New Sight’s millage appropriation is withheld topay the note on the department’s newest fire truck.
Galey has held several closed-door meetings with countysupervisors over the past month or more to discuss the emergingproblems at New Sight. A special-called meeting, closed to thepress, was held at the department Tuesday night.
Galey said the meeting was to tell New Sight “they have aproblem they need to fix.” He declined further comment.
During the meeting, New Sight firefighter Michael Beauvais waspromoted to chief to fill Boyd’s position.
DAILY LEADER Staff Writer Therese Apel contributed to thisreport.