Grant will help pay for water tank painting
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 8, 2005
WESSON – A $100,000 grant from Mississippi Development Authoritywill allow the mayor and board of alderman to proceed with plans tohave the town’s north water tower repainted, Mayor Alton Shawannounced Tuesday.
“The town will put $30,000 with that to pay for it all,” saidShaw. “We’ve already got the engineers working on it.”
Shaw said the project was long overdue, and he was excited tosee it moving forward so quickly after the grant was received.
Also, preparations for a town-wide Christmas event from 5 to 7p.m. Dec. 16 continued as the mayor and board of aldermen gaveapproval for the first “Christmas with Friends.”
The event, which is sponsored by Friends of the Library and thechamber of commerce, will feature carolers, local artists’ exhibit,a visit from Santa, face-painting, train rides for children and atype of scavenger hunt.
Participating merchants will be open during the event, and willgive out door prizes at 6:30 p.m. Carolers from Wesson BaptistChurch, Zion Hill Baptist Church and Sylvarena Baptist Church willwalk through the downtown area, stopping at businesses beforeheading to the library for hot cider.
Other plans to bring new events and ideas to the town will beginwith the formation of the town’s Long Range Planning Committee,said Shaw.
Shaw said 20 people were considered for the committee, whichwill consist of eight residents.
“We’re going to talk with these people and see if they want tobe a part of the committee,” said Shaw. “We should announce it atthe next (board of aldermen) meeting.”
The town’s mayor and two aldermen will also serve on thecommittee, as ex-officio, Shaw added.
One of the purposes of the committee will be to enhance thetown’s historic value through research and projects, such as anhistorical museum and a tour of homes, said Shaw.