Have you prayed for your country?
Published 5:00 am Monday, March 17, 2008
The world is a changing place and with change comesdiscomfort.
Anxiety in this country has been growing steadily since theWorld Trade Center bombings on Sept. 11, 2001. With the country atwar on two fronts – Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy in thedoldrums and the daily drone of the presidential candidates tellingus how bad things are, it is no wonder the American public isworried.
A loyal reader approached us last week concerned about thecountry’s situation, about what is going on in Washington and whatwe are going to do about our troops on Iraq. She, like many, manyothers, is concerned about the direction this country appears to beheading.
She told us about a campaign she is on – a prayer campaign thatshe feels led to promote. So she is taking her campaign to women’sorganizations around town and asking their support. Armed withpackages of gummed labels, she is asking her friends and anyoneelse who would like to join her, to stick the label in a quiet spotwhere it will be daily reminder.
The label’s message is simple – “Have I Prayed For My CountryToday?”
“I am one little old lady,” she said, “but I can pray!”
She hopes others will join her.
She shared a copy of her label with us and we are sharing itwith our readers in hopes that others will join her in herprayerful cause.