Absentee ballots suggest good turnout on Tuesday
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 27, 2007
The votes are in for those who will be unable to cast theirballots in Democratic Party runoff elections Tuesday, an officialsaid.
The absentee voting period closed Saturday except for mail-invotes to be received by 5 p.m. today with a Saturday postmark, saidLincoln County Circuit Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins.
A total of 336 absentee ballots could be counted Tuesday night,she said. The number includes a limited number of mail-out ballotsthat were requested but may not have been returned.
“I think that’s encouraging,” Watkins said today. “That’s apretty good number for a runoff election. Hopefully, that’s anindication the people will get out tomorrow and vote.”
Polls will open Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. forDemocratic Party runoffs.
Only those who voted on the Democratic ticket or did not cast aballot during the Aug. 7 primary are eligible to vote tomorrow.There are no Republican Party elections in a runoff on the localballot.
The winner of the Democratic Party runoffs will meet theirRepublican counterparts for office in the general election Nov.6.
Every Lincoln County voter will have at least two races on theballot, Watkins said.
The race between Democratic candidates Todd Brand and MikeSumrall for state auditor will appear on every ballot, shesaid.
Every county voter will also decide on a judge candidate. InPost One, voters will choose between Ralph Boone and Art Likenswhile Post Two voters will decide whether Carl Brown or Ann Reevesmoves on.
Brown and Reeves are battling to face Republican Freddie Canonin November.
Some county voters will also decide whether incumbent W.D.”Doug” Moak or former supervisor C.E. “Eddie” Brown will be theDemocratic nominee for District Four supervisor. The winner willmeet independent candidate Earl H. Brown in November.
District Four voters will also join others in determining whowill become Post One constable. Incumbent Charles Ralph Smith wasdefeated Aug. 7, leaving challengers Clint A. Earls and KellyPorter in the runoff.
Watkins said the vote-counting in the courtroom of the LincolnCounty-Brookhaven Government Complex should go quickly, but it maytake some time for the final tally.
“The absentee and affidavit ballots will have to behand-counted,” she said. “I’m still hoping for an early night,though.”