Brookhaven, Lincoln County are on the move
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 14, 2005
I want to thank you for all you have done during this time sincethe hurricane to help get our community back to normal. While thereare still several matters to deal with, the community has workedwell together and this spirit of cooperation helps set us apartfrom other cities. the city workers have also done an excellent jobduring this difficult period.
We have numerous projects under way, and I want to bring you upto date on several of the most important.
The milling of the downtown streets was delayed until Nov. 14since the Christmas Open House sale was taking place this weekend.Once the milling is done, paving will begin immediately. Thecontractor is committed to causing the least disruption to trafficflow and to downtown shopping as possible. We do ask that youcooperate and bear with us while this paving takes place. We willall be glad when this downtown paving becomes a reality. I’ve heardseveral comments regarding the concrete work that has now beenfinalized downtown. These ramps will make traveling our downtownmuch easier for the handicapped and is a requirement when usingMDOT funds.
On our recent trip to Washington, the county, city, and chamberwere unified in our requests. We asked our congressional delegationto help us fund the infrastructure (water, sewer, streets, etc.) atour new Linbrook Business Park and to install cluster lights atExit 40, which will improve both appearance and safety. It will besome time before we know how successful the trip was, but all of usfeel very encouraged by the reception we received. We all know thathaving a top-quality business park is an absolute necessity forattracting business and industry. Brookhaven and Lincoln County areon the move, and we want to insure this continues for futuregenerations.
While in Washington, I met with HUD representatives about havinggrant funds reallocated from the old fire station to the Chamber ofCommerce building. It looks like this change can take place, butlikely it will be several months before we know for sure.
We are working with the Natural Resources Conservation Serviceto riprap a large drainage ditch in the Halbert Heights area. Thisis a major project that will help considerably both with erosionand water flow. I appreciate the tremendous help NRCS has been inmaking this possible.
The city is in the final phases of having the plan for themulti-modal building ready to submit to the Mississippi Departmentof Transportation. Once they review and approve the plans, we’reready to advertise for bids. Hopefully, the bidding process willoccur in December or January.
We will soon begin working on several much-needed sewerprojects. Our congressional delegation has arranged for us toreceive federal funds these next two years for water/sewer workwhich must be matched with local funds. Fortunately, we have thematching money, so you should see improvements made once plans arefinalized. Overall, this will amount to approximately $2.7 millionworth of improvements in 2006 and 2007.
The city board is working on which important project we’d liketo complete these next three and a half years. Planning such asthis is vital to our community’s future. Once we prioritize andagree on the most important matters, we can better direct our time,energy and resources. We’ll keep you well informed as these plansdevelop.
Finally, let me encourage you to shop at home this Christmas.Not only does this help our local merchants, it adds to our salestax, which is the city’s main source of income. We hope that youhave a wonderful Thanksgiving and extra special Christmas!
Contact Mayor Bob Massengill at (601) 833-1414.