For voters, two deadlines approaching
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 1, 2003
Absentee voting for the Nov. 4 general election is under way,and Lincoln County Circuit Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins said voterinterest in several contests is running high.
Watkins said absentee voting began Sept. 22. Through Monday, 18people had come in to the office to cast their ballots early.
“That’s pretty good,” Watkins said. “We expect it to pick up inthe next couple of weeks.”
Watkins said her office will be open Saturday, Oct. 25, andSaturday, Nov. 1, from eight a.m. until noon for absentee voting.Nov. 1 is the last day to vote absentee in the clerk’s office.
For residents new to the area, Friday is the deadline toregister to vote to be eligible to participate in the Nov. 4general election. People must be 18 and have lived in the countyfor at least 30 days in order to register to vote.
“We’ve had a good response,” Watkins said about newregistrations. “It’s not a big number, but we’ve had several comein.”
The clerk said her office will not be open extended hours thisweek for voter registration.
“We’ve tried it in the past, but we just didn’t get anyresponse,” Watkins said.
Watkins said there have been several requests for mail-in voterregistration forms and absentee ballots. Those must be returned bymail.
On the general election ballot, the statewide race for governorand the countywide race for sheriff are drawing the most voterinterest so far, Watkins said.
“That’s what I’ve heard more people mention,” Watkins said.
In the governor’s race, incumbent Democrat Ronnie Musgrove isfacing a challenge from Republican Haley Barbour. ConstitutionParty candidate John Thomas Cripps, Green Party candidate ShermanLee Dillon and Reform Party candidate Shawn O’Hara are also on theballot.
In the Lincoln County Sheriff’s race, Democrat Post 1 ConstableWiley Calcote, Republican Charley Evans and Independent candidateJames Williams Jr. are competing to succeed long-time Sheriff LynnBoyte. Calcote defeated Boyte in the Aug. 26 runoff while Evansdefeated two opponents in the GOP primary.
On the Nov. 4 ballot, there are 22 contested races, with onebeing a special county school board race. Those races and thecandidates include:
* Lt. Governor – incumbent Amy Tuck, Republican; BarbaraBlackmon, Democrat; and Anna J. Reives, Reform.
* Secretary of State – incumbent Eric Clark, Democrat; Julio DelCastillo, Republican; and Brenda Blackburn, Reform.
* Attorney General – Jim Hood, Democrat, and Scott Newton,Republican.
* State Auditor – incumbent Phil Bryant, Republican, and BillyBlackburn, Reform.
* State Treasurer – Gary Anderson, Democrat; Tate Reeves,Republican; and Lee Dillworth, Reform.
* Commissioner of Agriculture – incumbent Lester Spell,Democrat; Max Phillips, Republican; and Bob Claunch, Reform.
* Insurance Commissioner – incumbent George Dale, Democrat;Aaron “Lucky” Dupuy, III, Republican; and Barbara Dale Washer,Reform.
* Public Service Commissioner, Southern District – incumbentMichael Callahan, Democrat; Larry Albritton, Republican; andAnthony K. Sahuque, Reform.
* Transportation Commissioner, Southern District – incumbentWayne Brown, Democrat; Arlin Regan, Republican; and Virgil Smith,Reform.
* State Representative, Dist. 53 – incumbent Bobby Moak,Democrat, and Richard (Ricky) Baker, Republican.
* State Representative, Dist. 92 – incumbent Dr. Jim Barnett,Republican, and F.C. “Buddy” Turpin, Democrat.
* Lincoln County Tax Assessor-Collector – incumbent NancyJordan, Democrat, and Dan Wallace, Republican.
* Lincoln County Coroner – incumbent Clay McMorris, Democrat,and Carolyn Greer Welch, Republican.
* District 1 Supervisor – the Rev. Jerry L. Wilson, Democrat,and Joe Jones, Republican.
* District 2 Supervisor – incumbent Bobby J. Watts, Democrat,and James Howard Williams, Jr., Republican.
* District 5 Supervisor – incumbent Gary Walker, Democrat, andMichael Assink, Republican.
* Post 1 Justice Court Judge – incumbent Judy Case Martin,Democrat, and Ricky Thibodeaux, Republican.
* Post 2 Justice Court Judge – incumbent B.J. Price, Democrat,and Freddie Canon, Republican.
* Post 1 Constable – Charles Ralph Smith Jr., Democrat, andDonald Golmon, Republican.
Also on the Lincoln County ballot in Educational District 1 willbe a special election to fill the remainder of term of Jerry Coon,who died earlier this year. Coon’s wife Kay Coon, who wasappointed, and Carolyn Greer Welch are facing each other in thatcontest.
In addition to contested races, voters will be making a decisionon a proposed constitutional amendment. The amendment deals withappointment of the 12-member Board of Trustees of StateInstitutions of Higher Learning, with four members each coming forthe state’s three supreme court districts.