Trustmark warning customers of telephone bank card scam
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 24, 2008
Trustmark National Bank officials are urging their customers toprotect their bank accounts against a phone scam recently reportedaround Mississippi.
Chris Thurman, the bank’s Brookhaven president, said a phonescam involving calls made by an automated system to Trustmarkcustomers falsely informs them there is a problem with theiraccounts and asks for credit or debit card information in order tocorrect the problem.
Thurman said Trustmark customers should not give out anyinformation over the phone, adding that the bank never asks forsuch information to be verified over the phone.
“The customers receiving these calls should not give the callera card number or any portion of a card number,” Thurman read fromthe bank’s official statement. “If the caller indicated they havethe customer’s account, or even the last four digits of the accountnumber – or if the customer discloses any account information -they should contact their local branch immediately or call1-800-241-7547 to cancel their card.”
The bank began receiving an undisclosed amount of callsWednesday, Thurman said. Brookhaven Police Department AssistantChief Nolan Jones said the bank reported the scam to hisdepartment.
Trustmark is attempting to track down the source of thescam.
“When we get a call, we report it to our security department,”Thurman said. “Our security department is investigating theproblem.”