What is our purpose?

Published 2:10 pm Friday, October 4, 2024

What is our purpose, why are we here, why do we do anything? The world may tell you a few different answers, to leave a legacy, to make money, to experience, to have fun. 

All of those can be good to an extent, we need to earn money to pay bills, it’s good to have fun but not too much fun, it is good to live in such a way we leave a lasting positive impact on others. I look to Genesis to see what Man’s purpose is.

Genesis 1 tells us we were specially created by God in his own image to serve our creator. Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden of Eden, they tended to his creations as stewards and got to experience what life was like before sin entered the world. 

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Adam and Eve had a freedom of choice, they chose to sin against God and thus the curse of sin entered the human race. It changed man’s relationship with God because He is Holy and can not be around sin. 

Only by God’s grace and the salvation offered through personal faith in His son Jesus Christ, who died on a cross and rose back to life three days later, are we able to walk with God and fulfill the original purpose He had for us. If you need help understanding this concept I encourage you to visit a local church and read the book of Romans in the Bible. 

A born again Christian, while they still have the innate tendencies of the sinful flesh, lives to serve others in order to glorify God. This can be done in your everyday work, involvement in civic organizations or working with your Church. 

The Bible calls us to be good stewards of his creation. It is clear from the beginning that man was created separately and specially by God and set apart from all other creation. This does not mean we are to over harvest every resource to extinction, or mistreat the livestock and domesticated animals we are blessed with. 

We are meant to work the land, to manage natural resources and habitat with care. I believe some of the most fulfilling work I’ve done has been the work to improve habitat for wild turkeys and other wildlife species. 

I recognize not everyone can or is inclined to be heavily involved in the outdoors and conservation efforts. If you look throughout the Bible, you will see different men and women from different walks of life who were called to serve in various ways and perhaps God has another way for you to serve in His Kingdom.