Nice to be first

Published 2:00 pm Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

Sometimes it is nice to be first, isn’t it? First in the check-out line at the grocery store, first car at the traffic light (so you can actually move when the light turns green!), first one to the theater restrooms at intermission. You get the point. First sometimes means a blue ribbon or a gold medal. But first can also mean that you are wading into untested waters where untold dangers or uncertainties lurk below the surface. So, first can also be undaunting to say the least.

The church that you see here in my picture this week is a first. It wasn’t the first one we had seen on our trip. Quite the contrary. I had already photographed many churches before we ever made it a point to go see this one. So what makes this particular church so special? It was first.

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This church has the distinction of being the very first church of any kind in the state of Rhode Island. It also holds the title of the oldest Baptist church in America, having been founded in the year 1638.  Its name, First Baptist Church, really does tell a story. It was first. This particular church building was built in 1775, the year before American officially gained her independence! There is a lot of history on this particular hill in downtown Providence.

I was first. That is, I’m the oldest of my siblings. I got here before they did. Of course, that makes me the oldest. And, getting old first isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! But that means, in some ways, I can set the example for my brother and sister — should they choose to watch.

Had this particular First Baptist Church not been “the” first one, there quite possibly would not be a bronze plaque on the front. There would probably not be distinguished wording on the large sign on the front lawn. There would probably have not been tourists like us and some other nice folks we met who made it a point to walk around and “ooo” and “ahhh” at the old place. We did because it was first.

The Bible tells us that we love Jesus because He first loved us. He loved me FIRST. He loved me before anyone else loved me. He knew me and loved me as I was knit together, the Scripture says, in my mother’s womb. He knew me before the world began. You can’t get much more “first” than that!

I may never have a blue ribbon or gold medal around my neck. I may never have a bronze plaque or commemorative sign placed upon my lawn. But I have the distinction of being loved FIRST by my Lord and Savior. Now that’s worth celebrating!

Just a thought.

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at