Work toward an end

Published 11:00 am Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

Goals are important. Without a goal, where would a kicker aim his potential field goal kick? Without a goal, where would a player launch his basketball? Without a goal in mind, at what point would a dieter stop, or a weightlifter quit? You get the point.

A few years ago, our daughters fixed us this canvas marked with the words, “50 states in 50 years.” Our family loves to travel. You may have figured that out by now! And it doesn’t have to be very far or very expensive. We just enjoy it. So my wife and I, aided by the prodding of our girls, set a goal to visit all 50 of the United States together by the time we have been married 50 years. We’ve been behind schedule until the last couple of years, and now we’ve caught up and slightly surpassed our anniversary number by our state number.

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Our map now has 36 states painted in, and we have plans to make it to another couple before the year is out. That’s a realistic goal, and it’s one we have committed to completing.

Maybe you’ve set a goal to read the Bible in a year’s time. Maybe you’ve set an employment goal, a weight loss goal, or simply a goal to remain positive for as long as possible for one single day. Work for your goals. Set your mind to it. Stay committed.

You might get a little behind. But don’t stop. You might even get a little ahead. But don’t allow yourself to slack off either. Keep the course. Run the race. After all, this life of ours here on this earth brings with it a goal. Specifically as Christians, our goal should be to live more like Jesus every day.

Start small. Get out of bed in the morning with the goal of thanking the Lord for another day. And follow through with it! Later, you might set larger goals. Work toward the end.  

And keep in mind that it does take work and discipline. We visited and explored all six of the New England states very recently, and our feet and knees are still talking to us about it. Sometimes goals bring pain. Ah, but in the end, it’s ALL worth it! I promise!

Just a thought.

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at