County offering summer reading, math recovery program
Published 3:00 pm Wednesday, April 28, 2021
A summer reading and math recovery program will be offered for students in kindergarten through eighth grade in the Lincoln County School District.
The program is not mandated or required for promotion, and is not for credit recovery. It does, however, serve as an opportunity for students to gain and maintain reading and math skills.
Classes will be taught by high quality staff and address Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. The goal is to provide additional instruction and supports to address potential learning loss and help students solidify foundations for mastering grade level standards. Students with a current IEP will be provided inclusion services and accommodations.
Classes will be conducted for eight weeks, from the week of June 1 through the week of July 26, excluding the week of July 5. Classes will meet approximately four hours each meeting, Tuesdays for reading and Thursdays for math. Students may choose either or both. Location of classes will be determined based on the number of students enrolled.
The program is free to students, but anyone interested in attending must complete and submit a survey application no later than Monday, May 3. The application is online only at
Official enrollment is based on district eligibility criteria. Transportation and lunch will be provided to all students enrolled.
For more information contact Richelle Ratcliff at 601-835-0011 or