Offices of Brookhaven mayor, city clerk, building inspector closed due to positive COVID-19 case

Published 8:14 pm Sunday, July 5, 2020

Beginning Monday, the offices of Brookhaven’s mayor, city clerk and building inspector will be temporarily closed due to a positive COVID-19 case.

Sunday evening, Mayor Joe Cox released the following statement:


Friends, I want you all to know that Thursday, July 2nd, I began displaying flu-like symptoms and was tested the same day for COVID-19 at the King’s Daughters Medical Center Mobile Testing Site. The test result received today was positive for the novel coronavirus. I began a 14-day quarantine on July 2nd, informed those I have been in close contact with, and am in regular communication with my personal physician. Since that time, my symptoms have included fever, congestion and coughing, but I have not lost my sense of smell or taste.

During these last months I have followed the recommended guidelines of the CDC, MSDH, and Mississippi’s State Health Officer Dr. Dobbs by wearing a mask, social distancing, using hand sanitizer, frequent hand washing, avoiding unnecessary gatherings/crowds, refraining from handshakes, and keeping my contact with others to an essential minimum. As a precautionary measure as your mayor, I have been previously tested for COVID-19, with results yielding negative.

I do not know where or how I contracted the virus. However, what I do know is that COVID-19 is not a hoax. It is a real and highly contagious respiratory disease that can result in serious illness or death. It is caused by a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans and easily spread from person to person. There is currently no approved vaccine or antiviral treatment for this disease, which is all the more reason for everyone, not just a few, to follow all preventive measures.

Beginning Monday, July 6th, the office of the Mayor, City Clerk, and Building Inspector will be temporarily closed and all employees in those offices will be tested for COVID-19. Test results should be received in approximately three days, depending on the case load of UMMC’s lab. We apologize for any inconvenience the closure may cause, but please know it is necessary to protect the health of our municipal employees and our residents. As of today, the Water Department and Public Works Department will remain open.

We live in a nation which provides us with many liberties and freedoms. With freedom comes personal responsibility. I urge you to be cautious and closely follow the above recommended guidelines to protect yourself and your family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We will continue to follow the emergency executive orders issued by Governor Reeves to help protect the lives of citizens and do our part to bring this health crisis under control.

Thank you to our Emergency Management Director Clifford Galey for coordinating our drive-thru mask distribution on June 6th and June 27th. To date, over 12,000 free masks have been provided to Lincoln County residents to help protect our community as a whole from this unprecedented virus. If you were unable to pick up masks in June, please check with your city alderman or county supervisor.

Please do not let your guard down with the reopening of our state. Stay smart, stay vigilant, and stay safe as we work together to minimize transmission of this virus and do all we can to beat COVID-19. If you have any questions, call the City Hotline at 601-835-8025.

Joe C. Cox
Mayor, City of Brookhaven