With city, county schools closed, how is education continuing?
Published 3:40 pm Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Area public school districts continue with education despite COVID-19 outbreak.
With schools closed and students learning at home, the Brookhaven School District and the Lincoln County School District are still providing educational material.
“It’s a lot going on,” BSD Superintendent Ray Carlock said.
The Brookhaven School District has been distributing packets to their students since March 16. As of now, students can receive a new packet every two weeks.
“There’s tons and tons of packets being picked up,” Carlock said.
BSD students also have access to online enrichment sources through the school district’s website.
While the work is not mandatory, students are encouraged to turn it in.
“We want the kids to have them, but they’re not required to be turned back in,” Carlock said.
BSD students can take a picture of the answer sheet in their packet and email it to their respective teacher. Some students may be eligible for extra credit.
“We’re trying to help those that are failing to pick up some points this last nine weeks,” Carlock said.
The district’s teachers are staying busy as they prepare material for the packets being distributed. Teachers are also revising their curriculums as needed and assisting with the food program.
“It’s a very trying time for everyone,” Carlock said.
Carlock hopes to see students reach their potential during this time.
“We would like for our students to be closer to grade level and mastering the standard,” Carlock said. “It’ll be interesting to see test scores next year.”
The Lincoln County School District is following a similar plan. Teachers have been preparing customized packets to distribute and alerted students about other learning options found online.
“We’re going to continue the same as we’ve been doing,” LCSD Superintendent Mickey Myers said.
Packets are available to each grade and for each subject and are being distributed every two weeks.
“We’re going to try and have all of our work collected by May 11,” Myers said. “We are accepting packets back with credit recovery.”
This effort is geared toward students who were on the border of passing and failing as of March 6.
With the distribution of schoolwork, teachers have stayed in contact with their students via electronic services such as Zoom and GroupMe.
“Teachers are maintaining academic instruction, but are also keeping in touch with students,” Myers said. “These kid’s lives have suddenly been interrupted.”
Myers hopes to see something positive result from this uncertain time.
“I pray that we’ll stop taking things for granted,” Myers said. “I hope we return with a higher zeal to mold and shape the students of this county.”
Story by Gracie Byrne