LCSD report cards scheduled to be released Wednesday: Bogue Chitto tears down house after deemed health hazard

Published 10:25 am Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The school year is moving along as the Lincoln County School District makes the transition from first to second nine-weeks, with report cards for the first nine-weeks scheduled to be released Wednesday.

Superintendent Terry Brister at Monday’s school board meeting said the district has small projects ongoing at each of the schools, and the parking lot project is still underway at Enterprise. Brister said the district recently removed a house at Bogue Chitto after it was deemed a potential health hazard. Brister said they are hoping to replace the house with two classrooms.

The school board approved to adjust several adjacent 16th section leases. One hunting and fishing lease will lose 29 acres and another will gain 14 acres. The board also added buffer zones around residential leases.
In other board business:

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• The board approved to hire Michelle Case as a bus driver for LC40 at Loyd Star.

• The board approved to add Lauren Parsons to West Lincoln’s substitute teacher list.

• The board approved an overnight travel request for Richelle Ratcliff to attend the Winter Mass Conference.

• The board approved to dispose of textbooks at Enterprise due to age and condition of the books.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Nov. 2 at 5 p.m.