BA student excels in academics

Published 10:39 am Wednesday, December 10, 2014

High school can be tough, whether it’s fitting in or figuring out what to do after graduation.

For many college options are determined by a single test – the ACT. It can strike fear with just its mere mention. Not only does it factor in as an admission standard, but it can determine how many scholarships will be passed to students.

For one Brookhaven Academy student, the ACT has been conquered. Colton Watson, a tenth grader, made a 31 on his ACT last year. With a maximum score of 36 and an average score of 21 in 2014 (according to, Watson is on track to have many options once May 2016 rolls around.

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“Oh brother,” Watson recalled thinking when he first saw his score.

Since then, he prefers to avoid the subject. But get him talking about history, and he’ll gladly share.

“Some of the things that happened before our time just blow your mind,” he said.

Watson said he likes to try and imagine how historic events felt to people actually experiencing. As an example, he explained that many people think of Pearl Harbor and acknowledge that it was terrible day, but he said many younger people probably do not realize the impact it had.

“Can you imagine when that happened? 2,500 people died,” he said. “Back then, it was probably worse than 9/11.”

Watson also said he was fascinated by times in history that coincide. When Jesus was born, the Mayans were the center of civilization in the Americas.

Watson’s favorite area is Mississippi history.

“I know a lot of people aren’t, but I’m really proud of my state,” Watson said.

Watson credits his love for history to his own history teacher, Denise Sbravati.

“She’s hilarious and awesome,” he said. “She’s one of the best teachers I’ve ever had.”

Watson was also awarded the Presidential Spirit of Community Award – Gold Level for accumulating over 300 hours of community service. Watson said he didn’t even know he had that many hours until he was given the award.

Watson is involved on BA’s campus in a number of activities, including the basketball, baseball, soccer and archery teams, Honor Society, Science Club, First Priority, Teenage Republicans, Quiz Bowl and Academic Betterment Competition (a test-based competition in which two people for each subject in each grade represent Brookhaven Academy in an attempt to score the highest).