Root of it all

Published 9:03 am Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hi, all! 

Just a thought.

Nearly 40 years ago, I stood in the old house that had once belonged to my great grandparents on my Campbell side. One of my grandfather’s sisters, Aunt Gertie, then lived in the old dog-trot house, with that large center hallway wide open to all the elements. Inside the house hung this photograph. I was just beginning to become very interested in our family tree and was making as many notes and taking as many pictures as possible. Aunt Gertie is the one who pointed out this photo and told me who it was.

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The very young woman in the large oval frame was my great-great-grandmother, Clara Bell. Clara Bell, mother of four, had died in 1885 at the young age of only 28. As was sometimes the custom in that time, my then-widowed great-great-grandfather married Clara Bell’s sister, with whom he had five more children. Times were hard. Families had to stick together to survive. And the strength that ran through their souls carried on through the next generations.

You may have very similar stories or circumstances in your own families. Although I don’t own Clara Bell’s original photo, I’m particularly proud of the copy that I do own. Any photograph, after all, is just that, isn’t it? A copy. But a copy represents the original.

As I roam the hallways of this life, I am but a copy of the original. I have many qualities I’ve inherited from both of my parents. I pray I represent them well. I also pray that as a Christian follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am a true representation of Him. For you see, the younger generations are looking at us. They are scrutinizing these people we claim to be. And they are looking and longing for something in which they can believe or follow — or trust.

As our younger folks come along, let us pray that they see in us the strength of the older generations, but most importantly that they see the qualities of our Father God. May they look into our eyes and feel the love of the One Who gave His all for each of us in every generation.

My family tree is full. Part of that is because of the many folks with whom I claim kin. But my family tree is full because at the very root of it all is our Lord. May we each represent His Family well this week.

Just a thought. 

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at