Published 9:00 am Sunday, December 29, 2024
Hi, all. Just a thought.
Those are the words you’ve read for the majority of the past 18 years, come January. I am so very blessed, and God has been so very good. I consider each and every one of you to be a friend, even those I’ve never met in person.
In fact, some of you think you know me, but with a different face and name. My brother, Brett, has published these for several years in the newspaper for which he writes. He has told me several times about folks who think Brad and Brett are both the same person, just writing different things under each name and printing them in the same paper!
Maybe I’m not who you think I am, but I am who God made me. You are the person God made you to be. Look back upon the past years, or perhaps months — maybe just look back at this past week. Who do you see? Someone you know and love? Even if you’re not very happy with yourself, God still loves you.
I don’t have much of a “thought” for you this week. As I write this, it is Monday, Dec. 23, just two days before Christmas. Are you ready? Some of you won’t read this for another week or two. And that really doesn’t matter. For the question I want to ask is this — Are you ready for Him?
We celebrate Christ’s birthday on Dec. 25. But His second coming could be any day. Are we ready? Are we being all we can be for the Lord while we await His return?
Sometimes we get too lazy. We sit back, curl up next to the warm fire, like this one that my brother-in-law built in their back yard this past weekend. Several family members enjoyed a time of talking and eating smores around the fire in the cold afternoon air. It had been a full day, we had a great time, ate a lot, laughed even more, and then sat back gratefully enjoying it all.
There’s nothing wrong with relaxing by the fire this winter when it’s no fun to be out and about. But don’t forget, there is plenty to do before His return. Too many of our friends and neighbors don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
It’s our purpose to share with them. It has been my goal, and my honor, to share this very thing with you over these past years. May God continue to bless you through these simple words, and by His grace, may He give us more time to tell about His goodness! The future of so many depend on it!
Just a thought. ’Til later.
Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.