Santa Letters 2024: West Lincoln Attendance Center, individual submission
Published 7:41 am Sunday, December 29, 2024
How are you doing? I hope I’m on the nice list. First, I want a go-kart. Second, I’ve been really wanting a four-wheeler. Third, I want a sleigh so I can slide down the hill. Fourth, I want an art kit because I like to do crafts. Fifth, I want a new sweater because most of mine are too little. Sixth, I need some new hunting boots because mine are too little and my sister’s are too big. Seventh, I want some new winter boots. Eighth, I really want a new rabbit because mine died not long ago and I want it to be really fluffy and brown. Ninth, I want an electric scooter because mine is too little. Tenth I want a new donkey. I’ve been wanting a new one since my other one died. Eleventh, I want a new baby doll because I like playing with them. Love, Maci Adams
This is Nylah. I live in Mississippi and this Christmas I really want a i-Phone 16. My mom keeps saying that Santa can get it for me and You’re Santa. Am I on the good list? I hope I am. I have been making up my bed, I have been cleaning my room, and sometimes I wash the dishes and clean up my brother’s room. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers unless you count my step sisters and brother that is. I would really hope that you can give me a Nintendo Switch. I had one, but I don’t know where it is. My mom says she gave it away, but can you please make that happen??? Love, Nylah Church
If I am on the nice list, please give me these things. First, I want a new bike for Christmas. Next, I want a skateboard for Christmas. Then, I want a computer fo Christmas. Also, I want a four-wheeler. Finally, I want a hover board. Love, Truitt Smith
If I was nice this year, I want an airless basketball, a dirt bike, a dirt bike suit, a baseball bat, and Jordan shoes. Love, Conner McFadden
For Christmas I want a dirt bike. I also want a looking case. I’ve been good this year. I also want ghotmer elf that’s animal. I can kno shelf Your and it nis, but mariogi cart. Cav manseh of the tfer? Thank you and have a happy New Year. Love, Blake
I hope I’m on the nice list this year because my elf on the shelf is always looking at me. I also would like a toy army man and a toot too. I would love a basketball or just I to not get. Plan I akes you 12 like a toy four-wheeler so I can find two puddles and drive it through them. This is what I would like for Christmas, Santa. Love, Watt Rains
How are you doing? I am great. For Christmas, I want an Apple watch, a pink i-pad, and an i-phone 14 pro max. I also want the new Jordan 3s that Just came out – red crocs and green and blue ones. I want UGGs, a Bape jacket, and pants. Last, I want white and black Jordan 4s, New Balances, and Nike Socks. Love, Zaraiyana Wallace
How are you? First, I want a Fingerling. Next, I would like a new helicopter. Then, I want some rain. I also need some new shirts and pants. I also really want a hover board. I never had a snow dight so I want one of those too. Your BFF, Kaytign Rire
I have been good this year. I want a shopkins for Christmas. I would also like to get mario cart for my gameboy. I really like to play vido games. Rest up for your big night. Love, Gracie Whaley
How are you? I’am doing great. I hope I am on the nice list. Here is a list of things I want for Christmas. I want a cane pole, some camo, a Windchester shotgun, a wooden boat, some new fishing hooks, jeans, and a Henry rifle. That’s all I want for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Weston Golmon
I hope I’m on the nice list. For Christmas, I want Anna and Elsa dolls. Next, I want the whole collection of LOL dolls. Then, I want the whole collection of Rainbow High dolls. Last, I want the whole collection of Bluey toys, a Stanley, and a new phone. Love, Paris Gordon
How are you doing? I am doing fine. I hope I am on the nice list. First I really want a Stanley because it will be my fourth one. Next, I want Sol de Janeiro because it smells so good. Then I want an i Phone 14 Pro Max. Finally, I want basketball tickets to go see LSU play Ole Miss, Glow Recipe, Uggs, and NIke socks Love, Hazel Furlow
How are you doing? I’m doing good. I hope i”m on the good list. FIrst, I want a Gernan Shepherd. Next, if you can, I would like a Golden Retriever. Third, I would like a Dalmatian. Fourth, I would like a computer. Last, I want a corgi. Love, Cade Easley
How are you doing today? I hope I’m on the nice list. The first thing I want for Christmas is a remote-controlled car that I can drive with a controller. The next thing I would like for Christmas is an Avatar the Last Air Bender Nintendo game. The third thing I would love for Christmas is some Pokemon games. The fourth thing I want is some Ben 10 toys The last thing I want for Christmas is some new Akedo toys. Love, Jasper Sykes
How are you doing? I’m great. I hope that I’m on the nice list. First, I would like an American Girl doll. Next, I’ll love a make-up set. Last, I don’t know if you can do this, but I would like for my sister to rest a little. Your bestie, Zoey Taylor
How are you doing? I am doin guplie. First, I would love Drunk ElePhant. Next, I would hope to get a Slime kit. Then, I would like a hover board. Last, I want a kickball. Your beastie, Isabela Pappas
How are you doing? I want a drum, a go kart, a buggy, a God Plu and a trampoline. I also want a toy Shotgun and a toy sniper. I would like a pistol and toy AK-47. Love, Tucker Jones
I have been a little naughty, but I will try to be better next year. What I want for Christmas is A Squishmallow. Next, I want to be in Cheer and I want 3 books. Last, I want Drunk Elephant and Vintage Havanas. Love, Serenity Reid
This year I want some Pokemon cards; i also want a PS5. I want an I-Phone 16 Pro, a big inflatable slide, a dirt bike. 200,000 v-bucks, I want it to snow, a hoverboard, and a VR headset. Love, Noah Janies Rushing
I hope I’m on the nice list this year. First, I would enjoy a collection of Katherine Applegate books. Next, I also want a big bone for Yoshi and a small bone for Molly. Then, I would like a painting set for Maren and men. Finally, I would love a note back from you, a few notebooks, some new shoes and clothes, a new i-Pad case, and a mill Stanley. Merry Christmas!!! Love, Mae Nippe
I would like a dog, Play Station, tv, x-box, and an i-Phone 16 Pro. How are you doing? Have a good christmas and a happy new year. Love, Harrison
I hope you are OK with the elves. I am doing great this year, Santa. Please tell our elf that I am sorry and I hope he is really OK. First, I want an x-box for Christmas. Next, I want a skate board. Then, I want a violin for Christmas. Last, I want a Lego set. Finally, I want some new cowboy boots. Love, Kayden Dees
I want a baseball glove and I am going to catch with it. Next I want a rifle and I am going to go hunting wiht it. Then I want a baseball batting glove and I am going to hit with it. Last I want a baseball bat and I am going to hit with it. Love, Aaron Case
I hope I’m on the good list. First, I want a drone. Next, I want a signed football. Then, I want a sign that says “Merry Christmas.” I want a stuffed elf. I also want a canvas and paint. I also want a Titanic set. Last, I want a fake axe. Love, Gavin LeBlanc
I want a PlayStation 5. Next, I want an i-Phone 16. I like you a lot. You are so nice. I hope I am on the nice list. I will try to make cookies for you and then I will try to get carrots for the reindeer. Love, Clifton Banks.
Am I on the nice list this year? First, I want an American Girl food truck. Next, I want a permanent bracelet. Then, I want a third elf. Also, I want Christmas books. Finally, I want an elf pot. Love, Ryker Purdy
Hi, how are you? I hope I have been good this year. I would like a lot of canvases and some paint. I will use my stuff to paint something like a flower. Love, Anna West
I hope I have been good. I hope I am on the nice list. First, I want a phone. Next, I want a Stanley. Last, I want a vanity and a lava lamp. Love, Hudson Westmoreland
First, I want a cheer mat so I can do a back hand spring on it. Next, I want an Apple watch. Then, I want bracelets and necklaces. Last, I’ve been wanting another elf. Then, a permanent ankle bracelet. I hope I can get these things for Christmas and I hope I am on the nice list. Love, Lizzie Wilson
If I have been good this year, I’d like these presents. First, can I have a Lego helicopter set? Next, can I get a third elf? Then, can I get a dog elf pet? Finally, I want to see my dad. Love, Thomas Lee King
I hope I’m on the nice list. First, I want a phone. Second, I want Sonic, Tail, and Knuckles stuffed animals. Third, I want Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles hard toys. Love, Declan Kyzir
I hope I am on the nice list, and then if I am, I will only ask for 5 things. First, I would be pleased if I could have an axolotl bed set. Next, I want ani-Pad, then, I want an axolotl lamp. Last, I want a trip to Mexico. Finally, I want a babydoll and a Stanley. Love, Kelsey Wright
I hope I’m on the nice list. FIrst, I want a rifle to hunt with. Next, I wan ta necklace. Third, I want a hat. Love, Wyatt Pace
If I’m on the nice list, here’s what I would like. First, I want an elf pet, a Stitch blanket, and a Stitch pillow. Next, I would like a tv, a Lululemon bag, and a turtul. Here’s what I will do with the gifts. The elf pet is for my elf. And the Stitch blanket will go on my bed. I will wear the Lululemon bag to school. The tv will be for my sister and me to watch the tv. The turtul will be for me to have a pet. Thank you! Love, EMMA West
I have been really good this year. I hope I am on the nice list. How are you doing? I am doing good. FIrst, I want a smart watch. Next, I want a four-wheeler. Then, I want a make-up set. Finally, I want a horse and a Stich Lego set. That is what I want for Christmas. Love, Maddox Adams
I hope I’m on the nice list. This year, I would like a new Nintendo with game. Next, I want a blue Stanley. Last, I hope I get Minions 4. I have been good this year. Love, Emma Hodges
How are you today? I am great. First, I want a VR Headset. Next, I would like a macbook. Then, I would like a blue Stanley. Last, an i-Phone 15 would be a great present. These are the things I would like from Santa. Ya bestie, Wyatt Graham
How are you doing? I am doing well. I hope I am on the nice list. First, I would love Super Kitty toys. Next, I really want Sonic toys. Love, Emma Kyzar
How are you doing? I hope I am on the nice list. I hope I can get a blanket that has a rainbow on it I really want a jacket too. Love, Michele Quin.
If I am on the nice list, here’s what I would like for Christmas. First, I would like an American Girl doll, pink Jordans, teal Nikes, a Play-doh Kit, a kitchen set, magic mixes, and a coloring set. Next, I’d also like a make-up kit, skincare, a slime bucket, an LOL surprise doll, Led lights that are pink, a teddy bear, Barbie, wall decorations, board games, a phone, a lava lamp, a nail polish kit, a book shelf, and a marker board. Then, paint, summer/winter clothes, earrings, necklaces, a bubble chair, a Pop-it game, bath bombs, a Christmas sweater, a bracelet kit, a Baby Alive doll, an organizer, house slippers, a fuzzy jacket, a mini bake kitchen, and a bouncy ball! Love, Madison Moore
How are you doing? I am doing good. First, I want a new Stanley and a scooter. Next, a hoverboard would be nice. Last, an i-Phone 15, a bike, and Legos would be nice. Love, Emmy Rae Rushing
I was wondering if I could ask for a snowglobe for Christmas. I really want it and I really want an elf. My elf hasn’t come yet. I have an elf but I touched it. It wasn’t December. Now I feelbad and I don’t want a new elf. How do I help her? Can you help her for me? Can you make my mom and brother stop fighting? I don’t like it and I cry when they do. Please make them stop. Love, Laken Guiffreda
How are you, Santa? I hope I am on the good list. I want a mini Jeep. Then, I want a PS5 gift card. I want a homeless person to get toys. Then, I want a Santa cup. Last, I want a ping-pong table and ping-pong stuff. Love, Tripp Chisholm
How are you? I’m good. I want a Bible and a harmonica. I want a gift for mrs. Pigott and mrs. nippe. I really want a harmonica. It’s fun to play “Mary had a Little Lamb.” I want a Bible because I love God and I want to read it. I also want a present for my mom, dad, and stepmom. Have a Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Taylor McCaffery
I want an I-Phone 16. I also want a skirt with a fanny pack. My siblings want batteries. I also want a long I-Phone charger. I want a new tv at my mom’s with my own remote. I want some new white shoes, a baby doll that really looks real and cries, and Bluey plush, I want to be on the nice list too. Love, Saylor Wilson
Am I on the nice list this year? If I am, I want a puppy and I want her name to be Snowflake. Santa, I want a phone case to fit my phone. Love, Raylynn Dildy
Dear Santa, my 1-1/2 year old would love anything baby shark or Sesame Street! She’s also shown interest in a pretend playset(ex drs office toy/barbie house). She’d also love a baby doll. She’s also a size 3t/ size 7 shoe in clothing. We’d be grateful for anything and we hope you have a Merry Christmas/ Happy New Year!