Though old …

Published 3:00 pm Sunday, December 15, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

You may look at the tree in my photo and see nothing but a scraggly old tree. But allow me to point out something that makes it at least slightly incredible.

While on a walking tour of Paris, our attention was drawn to many things around us. One of those things was this particular old tree. Of course, our group had a very good guide and interpreter, on whom we depended very much for details. And although I certainly couldn’t read the French on the sign attached to this grand old tree, she read it for us. The simple little green sign hung with wire around the tree trunk includes information that tells us about the tree’s age.

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This black locust tree was planted in the year 1601 by Jean Robin, the gardener of France’s King Henri IV. The type of tree, to whom it belonged, by whom it was planted, and the age are all unbelievably known for all to see and read for themselves.

Of course, the nearly 425-year-old tree now has its lower limbs aided by supports, but it still stands. It still stands in the very spot it was planted those four centuries ago. Countless people have walked underneath it, rested in its shade, and stood amazed with the reality of its age. All of this, and, yes, it’s just an old tree.

As Christians, we are called upon to spread the Word, the Gospel, the Good News, the Story of Christmas with our world. For some reason the thoughts of that assignment seem to scare us to death some days, when, in reality, we can simply stand where the Great Gardener places us. You’ve met Him. Jesus is His name, and He’s the Gardener for our God King.

How ever many years it has been since you called upon His name, He saved you from your sins, and you began to wear the name of Christ around your neck, you have been called upon to share the blessings of His glorious beneficial shade with others. Perhaps you’ve reached the age where you now need more support than before in order to keep sharing. But, still, you’re called to share.

May this Christmas season find every one of us as His children standing strong, even with the support of others, and especially with His support, and may we be faithful to share the blessings of the Father with all who come near. We can do all of this. I can do all of this. Yes, just old me.

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at