The other side

Published 9:00 am Sunday, September 8, 2024

A look at Mark 4:35-41, NKJV

v. 35 — “Let us cross over to the other side. Let us — Jesus is again, as always, seeking a relationship; “Let us” — you and I, says Jesus — I could go without you, but I’d rather you go with Me, the use of “Let” here indicates that Jesus is giving us the choice. “The other side” — of the lake or — a side opposite that of the world — a different way of life — a crossing over into a new way of thinking and living. Regardless of where the other side is, the invitation remains the same, let us go with Him.

v. 36 — Left the multitude — most either would not go with Him or could not go — many today will not accept Him because of their pride and arrogance — many cannot accept because they have rejected Him for so long they have grieved the Holy Spirit and no longer have the opportunity.

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Then there are the other little boats — there are those who will seek Him at great risk (small boats) those whose hunger for what He has is not satisfied and is not deterred by tribulation. These are those who go the extra mile to be in His presence. Seeking Jesus outside the bounds of the organized denominations — seeking Jesus nevertheless.

v. 37 — Troubles will come on the journey “to the other side” — sometimes the heavier ships fare worse than the “little boats” — the denominations loaded down with tradition and religion are in trouble today — but those followers who still seek Jesus will ride on the top of the waves.

v. 38 — A tired and weary (fully human characteristics) Jesus was asleep — allowing the others to experience trouble in getting to the other side — Jesus is physically away from us now and leaves the responsibility to the Holy Spirit, who teaches us the truth, about Jesus and all things — when there is trouble, and there will be — we can go to Jesus through prayer and the Holy Spirit.

v. 39 — “Peace, be still” — peace be still to the wind and waves of the sea — peace, be still to the problems facing us today. 

v. 40 — Jesus sounds astonished that they have no faith — Jesus is astonished that we have so little faith.

v. 41 — They were more afraid of Jesus than of the storms of life — are we?

The Rev. Bobby Thornhill is a retired pastor.