
Published 11:00 am Sunday, September 8, 2024

We talk about how tough life is. And it is. We talk about how tired we are. And we really are. We talk about all the difficult things that every single one of us faces on a daily basis. And we do face those things. So, what good does it do us to talk about it?

Let’s think on that for a second, by asking ourselves another question. What is prayer? Isn’t prayer just a conversation with God? Prayer is speaking to, talking with, crying out to, and listening for the voice of God Himself. For the Christian, prayer is a relationship, and that relationship reminds me that even though I must face difficult days, I will never do it alone. I can tell Him all my troubles, my cares, my concerns, my joys, and my triumphs.

Grand-dog came to visit us recently for a couple of days. He is an indoor animal who is usually outdoors in the safety of his own fenced back yard. However, when he visits us, he must venture out on his (long) leash and harness. We explored several times over those two days. He had one-on-one nose-to-nose conversations with some of the neighbors’ cows. I’m not sure what they discussed, but it didn’t take too long.

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He particularly enjoyed visiting the horse you see behind him here. There seemed to be a mutual respect between the two. Dog, on his leash. Horse, in his fenced yard. Dog, much smaller and shorter, checking out his large animal friend, while Horse, much larger and taller, seemed unamused by the little visitor, but not the least bothered by his presence. Both animals, in their own spaces somehow shared the outdoor space of their animal world. And although not a sound was made between the two of them, they both seemed to understand their place, their situation, their time.

Here, Horse and Grand-dog peered down the road in the same direction. It didn’t matter that they were different sizes. It didn’t matter that they were somewhat separated by their own leashes and fences. It didn’t matter that they were different animals with different purposes in life. It didn’t even matter that their languages were not the same. They stood side by side with mutual respect and understanding. And although they spoke no words between them, they faced the road together.

God gives His human creatures those friends who fill similar roles in our lives. We may be separated by certain things. We may stand in different places, speak differently, vote differently, and have any number of other differences. But we can stand side by side and face life’s road together. To me, that is one of the ultimate blessings of true friendship. Friendship that welcomes conversation if needed, and silence if desired.

Do you have friends like these? I am so very thankful that I do. Give God thanks for those friends. And always remember, regardless of anything else in life, “What a friend we have in Jesus!” With Him as your friend, you never face the future alone.

Pastor Brad Campbell can be reached at