No excuse

Published 9:00 am Sunday, September 1, 2024

When we reach an age where we are able to contemplate and comprehend the idea of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, we fall into one of two categories: either we are among those who have had their eyes opened to the reality of God’s Son, or we are blinded by the god of this world and refuse to see the Light that is Jesus Himself. 

We might be tempted to say that this applies only to those who have heard the Gospel message; but Scripture tells us that we are without excuse because creation itself tells us that there is a God (Romans 1:18-21). Our natural (God-given) curiosity will cause us to explore the evidence of creation seeking knowledge of its Creator; unless we are blinded by Satan.

According to Matthew 7:13, most of humanity will not seek this knowledge, and perish as a result of their willful blindness. That is a sad and sobering thought — that the majority of the crown of God’s creation, mankind, will spend eternity in hell isolated from their Creator, because they did not want to know that God is.

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Blinded or not, we will all stand before the Lord and give account, we all will acknowledge Him as the only God (Philippians 2:10-11) of eternity past and future. Yes, even the unbeliever will give account to God. They will not give account to Allah, to Baal, nor Buddha. There will be no line for those waiting to give account to one of the thousands of Hindu gods, neither will there be account given to our Banks, or to the IRS, or the Country Club director. No place will be found for those who are “not ready” or who need another chance or who claim to have suddenly seen the light. Judgment is opened, opportunity has knocked. It is now time for “The One to Whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13) to render judgment. It is His right as Creator to judge His creation.

It is also His right to provide us with a Counselor. He has given us Jesus Christ to redeem us and the Holy Spirit to lead us on the right path, the narrow way, the way of the Cross. It is our great responsibility to take advantage of His offer of “grace unspeakable, and full of glory,” that He has made available, even to those blinded by Satan’s lies.

The Rev. Bobby Thornhill is a retired pastor.